Chapter 15: doctor phil (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words:- 2631.

Song-Leona Lewis I see you. (I dedicate this song to our two babies Oscar and iris! Because if this isn't just them I don't know what is!)play now!

Oscar's P.O.V

I couldn't stop pacing I've been doing it for five minutes now and just when I was about to lose it the bedroom door finally opens.

My head snaps straight up in the direction of the door, Phil walked through with a bag and instantly I bombarded him.

"Help her! What's happening to her?" I say standing Infront of him.

He looked into my eyes straight away before rolling his eyes and stepping round me. leaving me standing there stunned.

Did this motherf*cker just-

"I'm not going to know what's wrong with her just by entering a room O, I'm good doctor boy but I'm not that good" he tells me yet all I could do was stare at him.

"Don't sas me Phil" I grumble as I went to carry on my passing but his hand placed over my chest.

My eyes connect with his and it was this moment I realised it had been a long time since I actually looked at my uncle.

I mean sure I seem to look like I'm always looking at him, at everyone but unless your eyes were them beautiful light blue or your name was iris I wasn't actually paying attention to you.

My mind always seemed to travel whenever I looked at someone so I wasn't actually SEEING them.

With iris it was different, I found my moods always worsening if I didnt look into them beautiful eyes.

I've never wanted to look at someone so much, I could go days just watching her.

But now I was actually seeing my uncle as if it was the first time for many, many years and I felt every bit of anger in me fade away, replaced instantly by worry and fear.

His eyes scan my whole face before I watch them soften "oh my boy" he mumbles before wrapping his arm around me and pulling me to him.

I felt the stiffness and weight on my shoulders fade the second I found myself wrapped in my uncles arms.

My uncle.

My dad's brother.

My dad...I felt a bing in my heart as I thought about him for the first time in these years.

Phil had become my father from the moment I lost mine, he stepped up when no one else did for all of us.

I gave him more trouble and hardship then id ever forgive myself for.

"I don't even know what went wrong Phil, I felt everything she was feeling and I fucking ignored it then whe-"

He pulled away for a second "you've mated?" His voice was filled with shock.

I frown confused "what? No!"

"Marked her?" His voice was growing more serious and I know that was because of what I just said.

I knew what part stood out to him.

"No" I mumbled and look down completely when he pulls back and narrows his eyes.

"Then how'd you feel what she felt Oscar?!" He already knew the answer but he wanted me to admit it.

I feel silent, the only man to ever make me worried. Dear I say fearful even.

"Oscar" he growls making me let out a breath.

"I bound us" I mumbled out but he heard me, I knew he did by the sharp intake of breath.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now