Chapter 43: They've Come For Me (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 3877.

Song-Leah guest 7 years.

Oscar's P.O.V

We walked towards the old kingdom, lead by kilian and Martin.

It's been 24 hours and that's still 24 hours more then I like!

And it was quickly approaching the 48 hour mark! We left during the night! We've walked through till morning and kept going and the sunset sky began to take over the ocean blue sky.

To say me and Gabriel were on edge was an under statement, we were barely holding it together.

If I'm honest I think we're already going crazy, I can't tell you how many times I though I heard her calling to me.

I could have sworn I've heard her beautiful voice singing.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, Gabriel has been at the surface since we step out. Us both coming one! Seeing through the same eyes.

Our senses were at an all time high, working all at once. Every little movement or breeze had us standing at alert.

I felt raged! Like a damn rogue but got without iris what's the point of being alive.

'little boy on his own-' see what I mean?! My mates taunting me.

"Oscar" Blake's voice rings out in shock making me turn round almost furious.

"I didn't say anything! So everyone just leave me alone! I know what you think I'm going crazy and maybe I am BUT LET ME BE CRAZY ON PEACE!" they all stare at me in shock.

Her voice comes again and I close my eyes, tilting my head and letting out a defeating sigh.

I'm trying baby! God I'm trying, please stop taunting me it's hurting.

"Oscar-" my sister says softly touching my arm making me look at her, reddish black eyes turning back to my normal blue "we hear her! You hear me we hear her to"

I stare in shock "you hear her?" I sounded so weak but I didn't care.

Lex touches my face making sure I stay looking at her "we hear her" she says stronger.

I could not begin to explain the relief that flooded through me in that moment.

Which soon changed to complete shock when another voice rang out in pure surprise and shock.

"O look!" Dustin's voice rings out making me turn round.

I hand to grab my sister for support and I felt to other hand on me causing me to look, Phil and legacy held me to a si took in the sight Infront of me.

There she was! My mate! My beautiful, perfect mate.

Only we was almost blue and see through.

"You all can see this right?" I whisper, I saw then nod in the corner of my eyes and I couldn't seem to control myself anymore.

I take a few steps closer, away from the hands holding me. As I stepped closer so did she.

It was iris! But it wasn't...

'a projection, she's using powers! Oscar the pup' gab whines in fear.

'Little boy, six years old, A little too used to bein' alone' her lips moved as she seemed to float off for a second making me frown.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now