Chapter 9: Only Just A Dream? (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 2537.

Song- imagine dragons dreams.

Iris's P.O.V

I stare up at the beast Infront of me as he stared down at me.

I should be scared, screaming my head off. Running even.

But the beast brought me nothing but warmth, different from the thing chasing me earlier.

"Choose, do you want to live or do you want to die?" He said, falling to all fours so it's face was closer.

"I-i don't know"

"Think. Do you want to live again, to make everything right! to take make all that is owed to you and more. To get revenge if thats what you desire? or do you want to die and finally have peace. No more fighting, no more pain. No more nothing"

I look down for a minute, I think of everything recently then all the pain and hurt I've ever been through overpowered my other thoughts.

I look up, staring straight into the eyes of the beast and said.

"I want to die"

His face seemed to drop slightly "you're sure?"

I nod " please, just let me die" the pain was fresh on my voice.

"Very well" the beast stands again and the space we stand in begins to turn red, he stands back up straight and turns. Slowly taking a few steps to walk of.

Clouds start feeling the sky when suddenly large hands circle around me and pick me up.

We stare eye to eye again.

"I'm sorry but your destined for greatness and I cannot let you die, hell the consequences but don't worry little won't be alone anymore"

Oscar's P.O.V

I was in my office, trying my best to destruct myself from these last couple days, but it failed badly.

I let out a heavy sigh and leave back on my chair, rubbing my hands down my face then through my hair in stress.

I'm always ahead with pack work, but since iris came along she's all I could seem to think about.

Even more now since I saw her after the shower, I never expected her to be that breathtaking.

I noticed everyone's eyes on her and for the first time both me and Gabe almost became one and wanted to rip their eyes out in jealousy.

I close my eyes for a second and instantly the talk I had with Phil after her appointment came crashing into my mind.

After I showed her the bedroom which will be hers (which is directly across from mine) I allowed her some time to settle in, then an hour later I took Phil to check her up.

I stood by the door watching like a hawk as he did a bunch of tests on her, that was until he turns to me and says for me to leave.

When I didn't make any movement (which only seemed to make iris giggle, which I have now decided I live for) he let out a huff and said if I'm not going to leave them turn my arse around.

That I could do, after it was all done and we left her to rest...I never expected the words as that came from his mouth.

Flash back.
"Well?" I say the second we exit the room, Phil gives me a displeased look and shook his head before walking off towards my office.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now