Chapter 36: The Breach (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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words:- 3172.

song- phil collins in the air tonight.

Iris's P.O.V

I felt it...something felt off about the day to come. That much so it awakened me from my sleep.

Even more stranger that the same moment my eyes had shot open and I had shot up straight.

So did Oscar.

Both our hands placed over the same part on our chest, our hearts beating out of control.

The feeling of butterflies yet a constant sick feeling like something's going to happen.

That something was wrong, like it's going to go wrong any time.

A frown Covers my face, I had never felt something like this before.

It had to mean something right? Normally I'd ignore it, tell myself I'm being paranoid.

However, the fact my mate was feeling the same as me as intensely as I felt it told me there was more to this.

Finally our eyes connected, I saw emotions of uncertainty, curiosity and worry mix in his eyes.

"You feel it two?" I whispered breathless, his eyes search mine. Looking so deep into my soul. Reading my every thought and emotion and I let him.

Slowly he nods, he seemed as confused and worried as me.

"Have you ever felt something like this before?" I ask taking hold of his hand naturally.

He was quiet for a minute as he looked at our hands and it worried me even more.

My Oscar was NEVER quiet and I really didn't like it.

When Oscar was quiet nothing good could happen.

"No-" he starts bringing me from my thoughts as I connect our eyes again "I've never honestly felt something like this before"

I could feel the stress radiating off him and I knew why. He wasn't just an alpha he was a king and kings want and need control of everything.

To be feeling something he has no idea about it can't even control is driving him crazy.

"But why are we both feeling it?" I ask again when I heard him growl and get out of bed.

"I don't know iris!" He sounded so stressed it hurt my heart and I find myself frowning more as he walks a few steps from the bed with his back to me.

I could feel everything radiating clearly off of him as I push myself off the bed and walk towards his tense back.

The moment my hands touches his back he relaxed but his emotions didn't change in the slightest, waking up and feeling like this had effecting more then I thought.

If I'm honest he had been a bit quiet ever since I told him about the letters and I honestly didn't think any of this would have effected him the way it actually has.

"Baby it's going to be okay" I way softly, placing a soft kiss on his back "I'm sure its nothing"

His hand comes behind him as he places it softly over my hip for a second "I'm sure your right" then he pulls away and starts walking towards the bathroom.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now