Special Chapter (4)- They Never Really Die In Our World

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Words- 4583.

Song:- maroon 5 she will be loved.

Oscars P.O.V

It was the day before the wedding, well the night before and I couldn't stop pacing.

I could tell iris wasn't feeling Complete, hell she wasn't happy she just makes everyone think she is but I see through it.

I knew she was excited to marry me, but I also knew she never wanted any of this if Kyle wasn't there with her.

I just needed to show her that he is still here, in a way.

Because honestly no one really died in our world.

I stop pacing as the idea hits me, a smile creeping onto my face.

"that's it!" I mumbled.

'that's it!' gab cheers as we walk out our house - our actual home where we first took iris, it's where me and the boys are staying till the wedding, apparently and began to sneak into the castle.

The elders have strict traditions that they believe must be kept to, one of them being the bride and groom cannot see each other for three days until the wedding.

Which is bullshit but because of this rule everyone is on high alert, guarding the castle to stop us or anyone else from getting in.

But their not gunna stop me.

I needed to see my baby smile!

Speaking of babies, ours are growing lovely.

Turns out we're having twins, a boy and girl which are both healthy and strong despite all the and their mother went through.

Be cause of everything I was desperate to make iris happy, to show her life will not always be full of bad guys and sadness.

I almost wanted to do a happy dance when I managed to get past the guards and into the castle.

I was now on the second floor, making sure I tread slightly. I felt a smile cover my face when I finally manage to slip into her chambers, closing the door quietly as her scent consumes me.

I turn around and my breath is instantly taken from my body.

Now this was a sight, a sight I wish I could see forever. This made me hate the elders and their stupid traditions.

I mean following their traditions hasn't really worked in our favour up until now has it?!

My mate sat there with her hand gently on her belly, looking down at it with a smile.

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