the WATTY awards

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Guys!!! I see you has been put in the WATTY awards 2023!

I can't explain how much this means to me, writing itself and created world for us all to escape from has always been important to me.

Writing has always helped me cope and in time helped me become a better person, no only writing but you guys.

When you guys came into my life almost 11 years my life became a little less dark and lonely and I know that sounds sad but I went through hell growing up and wattpad made it easier.

So I guess I'm asking if you could all please keep checking the WATTY award page and when the voting is up....please vote for I see you!

Let's try get this beauty published!!! It would be the world to me.

More importantly I just think this book deserves to be noticed, now it's perfected and how it should be.

Love you all loads and if you can vote I would be so thankful.


I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now