Final Chapter (46)- The Final Secret (NEW/REWRITTEN)

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Words:- 5163.

Song- chord overstreet hold on.

Iris's P.O.V

It took me a moment to come to my senses, opening my eyes only added to my Confusion.

Instead of see my pack or even dead members, the first thing I noticed was I was in a hallway.

Pictures of me and my family hanging on the walls which was lit up with the odd candle here and there.

I look around confused, I knew this place which only confused me more.

Why was I here?

I'm currently standing in the halls of my old childhood house.

my real house with dad, mum and kyle. but its different...its colder, darker.

My home was trashed but what stole my attention was the smashing and screaming coming from the direction of the living room.

I followed the sound, carefully only to freeze when I see my brother pacing back and forth.

He couldn't have been more then five or six and he looked stressed and lost.

I tried to reach out as he walked towards me but he walks completely through me.

My eyes jump to my parents who just payed attention to Kyle.

Couldn't they see me?

"Kyle you need to calm down" my dad pleads, my eyes drop to kyles hands as his finger nails began to bleed.

He shook his head from side to side "they took her! she's gone! whats the point in being what we are if we are unable to protect the ones we love" he screams at the top of his lungs that only hurts my heart.

There was so much pain radiating off of him, it tore me apart.

I jump in fright when another scream suddenly comes from his mouth, he throws his head back and grips his hair tight, panic ran through my dads eyes.

"no! son this is not the way" he shouts,.my mum stood there eyes wide and frozen.

I gasp loudly, covering my mouth when suddenly black furr i began to recognize started to come from his body.

Suddenly silver stood infront of my brother who falls to his knees, instantly silver kneels infront of him, leaning to help HIS vessel.

"Kyle...what did you do?" my mum whimpers, pain in her voice.

K ignores them and looks up into silvers eyes, tears rolling down his face.

"You find her!" he breaths, I watch a sudden pain flash through silvers eyes before a serious look took his face, my brother releases a sob before carrying on.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now