Chapter 7 : What am I? (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 3524.

Song- Nightcore I see your monsters (again back at the song I am now dedicating to Oscar and iris and is this books main song!)

Iris's P.O.V

You know, all the time I've lived in this hell hole of a house I can actually wholeheartedly say, I have never seen the basement.

That changed today because that's where he dragged me.

"Your worthless, a good for nothing whore. No one will want you iris look at you, look at the state of you. Anyone who does help you only feel sorry for you and only wants one thing that your good for" Rob snarls in my face

And who's fault is that you good for nothing, alcohol drinking, smelling fat, good for nothing unwanted lowlife who will never get into heaven?!

Damn. Where'd that come from.

Rob hits me again before they both walk out causing me to frown.

'thats it?' a softer voice whispered.

Great just me and my soft voice and deep voice in my head, hanging out as we do.

I let out a weak laugh and find myself whispering "that's never it"

Two voices growl in my head at the same time the door opens again.

I look up from where I was sitting, leaning against the wall behind me. In walked two men I don't even know and a bad feeling washed over me.

I was not a dumb person despite the fact I may not be able to read or write but one things I've always been good at was reading people.

Everything about these two men felt bad and I knew the reason they were here was not for anything good.

What I've also started to realise is my 'father' has gone to a great deal for years to make sure I don't become something or maybe it's so I did become something.

Whatever it was I knew that these men had something to do with it.

I know something's changing in me, I feel it everyday but I will not let him find out what I am.

If I'm even anything.

I cannot hardly remember anything to do with what happened before I opened my eyes to find Oscar, Dustin, Aaron and Kyle looking at me.

But for the first time in my life...I was going to protect myself.

Whether I remember or not.

'we can save you' the two voices say in Union and with my eyes still on these strangers I find myself finally replying back.

'but who will save you? Let me save you' I whisper in my head as a foot connects with my face.

The pain from being beaten by two people at the same time was to much especially adding to the pain I already felt from today.

'we won't survive if this keeps happening' a whisper came from the back of my head, I close my eyes.

It's almost like warm arms wrapped around my soul and I felt like I was pulled into the back of my head.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now