Chapter 13: Unusual Events (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words:- 4841.

Song- the fray never say never.

Iris's P.O.V

After what felt like hours my bedroom door slowly opens, I didn't look up to see who it is and continue to touch the blood that's coming from the cut. It smeared slightly on my arm.

I felt someone crouch Infront of me, I peak up and I'm met with them blue I've come to love.

I quickly look down but his hand covers my hand to stop me from touching the cut.

"Iris Look at me" he says but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Little red" the second I heard the nickname my eyes met his instantly.

I honestly don't know what it is but that name, it just made me feel like home.

God this man makes me feel so much mixed emotions it gives me whiplash.

His eyes stare into mine and kept me in place "let's go down stairs so I can sort this out-" he looks down at my arm "how did you even know about mistletoe?" He says again grabbing my arm gently yet firmly.

I found myself frowning and shoving his chest causing him to lose balance and full onto his butt.

He stares at me in shock whilst I just give him a blanked face stare, seconds later I watch a smirk cover his face and he lets out a laugh.

"I deserved that" he chuckles, I roll my eyes and stand up, walking out the room.

As I past him I see him push himself up, then I heard him following me.

I walk into the kitchen that's when I heard his voice "you can just sit here, I've got a first aid kit right h-" he cuts himself off when he notices me walk straight out the back door.

"okay" he mumbles.

I walked straight out the back door and down the little steps, then up the glass ones close by. I fit on my favourite spot in this house.

Play song.
There was a swing seat on the balcony overlooking most of the woods, it was the most breathtaking thing I've ever seen.

There was a swing seat on the balcony overlooking most of the woods, it was the most breathtaking thing I've ever seen

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No matter what I felt, ever since I've been here whenever I came and sat here, I felt at peace.

I lift my knee up and rest my chin on it and wrap my hands around my leg, moments later I felt his presents beside me.

"I'm sick of feeling lied to" I say staring at the sky as it turns a beautiful shade of orange, blue and red.

I felt his eyes on me but he never said a word, it's like he knew I wanted to speak.

"I'm sick of feeling afraid and weak, like I don't know anything about who I am or wear I came from. Ive always felt like a stranger to myself and I never used to It nags at every part of my being. I'm sick of-" I turn my head to look at him "I'm sick of not knowing how to protect myself and I'm growing tired of feeling like I have no control over my body and mind half the time and I-I HATE EVEN MORE THAT IM OKAY WITH IT!" I say frustrated.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now