Chapter 39: Gone With The Wind (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 3576.

Song- birdy without a word.

Iris's P.O.V

I don't know if it was the sudden, most powerful feeling of dread I've ever felt that woke me up or the fact I could have sworn I heard something.

I laid in bed, not ready to move incase both feeling and sound was just the effects of a really bad dream.


The loudest bang echoes around the house, seeming to get louder and louder as it traveled to my ears.

Instantly I sat up straight on the bed staring at the door.

Silence rang around the house again and all I felt in this moment was confusion and fear slowly began to appear.

My hand seemed to act on its own, already slowly moving towards Oscar ready to grab our mate should something happen.

Silence followed and I was begining to think I had woken myself up, slowly I began to relax. My hand slowly dropping.


My hand shoots down onto Oscar, the smack alone should have been enough to wake him up.

So when he didn't move I instantly turn my head to look at him.

The sound of something smashing following with something breaking echoed around the house.

"Oscar?" I whispered as I shook him, soon the shaking turned to smacking as my voice got louder but still, no movement.


'What's going on?' I heard him, he was faint but I heard him.

Relief floods through my body but concern was still strong.

'gab someone's in the house, Oscar won't take up' i could hear the panic in my voice and through the mate bone I felt Gabriel begin to panic himself, he had realise something was wrong.

'i can't- I can't move him, I cant take control of his body it's's like I'm blocked. Like Oscar's human' the pain in his voice told me how much he had tried, I could feel him trying to push through but it didn't work.

Another bang echoes around the house and moments later I could feel footsteps.

Whoever they were, were trying to be quiet but was failing miserably.

"Little one, what's going on' I heard him say as I stared at the door and felt my body slowly rise from the bed.

"Their in the house"

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now