Chapter 32: We Don't Lie Remember (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 4401.

Song-ronan keating if I don't tell you now.

Iris's P.O.V

I slowly lift my head, narrowing my eyes slightly in confusion.

Where the f*ck am I?

It was dark here and I could smell the damp hitting my nose.

I move my hands to run over my face, but my hand suddenly stops the sound of chains hitting my ears.

My head snaps up and my eyes widen instantly, jumping around the room and take in every bit of detail.

I knew exactly where I was.

I was back at robs, in the basements.

My heart drops when my eyes focus on the door as an approaching figures comes into view.

A sickening laugh fills the room and my whole blood goes cold, Jordan.

My eyes snap over to the wall like all the other times, and just like all the other times Oscar dangled on the nearby wall by chains.

A frown takes over my face and I couldn't even concentrate on Jordan because...something felt different.

Unlike all the other times Oscar's eyes were open and they stares straight at me with emotions that break my heart, almost like he was actually here and could see everything.

I didn't feel alone, as in it wasn't just us three here. My eyes jumped over to a corner where I could just make out a figure.

The frown on my face deepens when I realise his never been here before, all the times I've had these dreams and his never been there.

Come to think of it Oscar's never looked at me the way he is now in this dream.

My thoughts here cut short and a scream/cry left my mouth as I hand pulls my hair painful back till I was looking into them eyes I hate so much.

"You've had this coming from the moment I laid eyes on you" his eyes travels down my body just like they did that day making me feel dirty.

A growl runs along the room causing me to side eye Oscar, who strangely looked like he wanted to kill Jordan.

"J-jordan please-" I cried out but a smack to the face causing my body to fall to the ground cut me off.

He kneeled down closer to me "the only time I want to hear my name come from your dirty mouth is when I'm f*cking you"

And just like that very day he climbed over my legs, keeping me in place. For a moment I froze up and when my eyes met Oscar's my whole world stopped.

Rage, confusion and murder was clear in his eyes before a sudden flash of realisation appeared, and his eyes met mine. I could almost hear his words clearly.

Is this true?

I watch his eyes narrow at Jordan and it was like this sudden burst of strength and fight rose through me.

My hands flew around and fought him the best I could, just like I did that day and I did my best to stay strong, even with my heart pounding so loud I couldn't hear anything out my ears.

It was when he managed to pin my arms down that my blood ran cold and a scream rips out my throat.

I hear struggling in the back ground, I could see Oscar's mouth moving but I couldn't hear a word.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now