Chapter 29: Keeping Control (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 2309.

Song-ed sheeran love me.

Iris's P.O.V

"Oscar" It was nothing more then a whisper, no one would have heard it.

I felt like I was in heaven and a moan slips from my mouth once again, I felt myself falling more and more into bliss.

Then my bedroom door bursts open, slamming against the wall making me jump causing a half gasp and moan to leave my mouth as my eyes take in the person Infront of me.

I stared at Oscar as he stared at me, shock was clear on his face as his eyes skim every part of me.

His body seemed to carry him into the room, locking the door whilst still looking at me.

I wanted to be embarrassed, to stop the moment I realized i was caught.

But something about the way he looked at me whilst I was like this made me feel empowered.

Freya and silver was back in my body and my hand was healed -incase you was wondering- and they were stirring like crazy.

A wave of what I could only describe as heat entered my body and it fogs my mind completely and it was like my animal side completely took over.

I bit my lip as I began to move my hands again, he freezes for a moment before he was Infront of me in seconds.

He pulled my hands away, pulling me to sit up slightly which caused my legs to close slightly.

"What are you doing iris?" He growls, voice sounding strained, instantly a moan slips from my lips and his eyes cloud slightly.

"It felt so good" I purred, my voice barely recognisable to even myself.

Something flashes in his eyes once again before his eyes found its way to the dildo then to the bags beside the bed.

"Why do you have that?"

"Because I wanted it-" I meant closer so our faces were inches apart, lips almost touching "-but I want you more"

He quickly stands, putting a little space between us as he walks round to the bags that laid there. I watched him like he was my prey.

His hand reaches for the draw as if he knew what was there "no" I managed to say before he pulled it open, revealing my other machines.

His eyes narrow before his head turns to me "why do you have these?"

"Wanted them" I say simply, tilting my head to the side slightly, his eyes flash again causing a smirk to cover my face slowly.

"Do you even know how to use them?"

I looked up at him through my lashes as I slow shake my head 'no'. I crawl towards him slightly and I noticed a smirk appearing on his face as he watches me.

I got closer, placing my hands on his chest and stand on my knees, looking up at him through my lashes as he looks down at me looking like a f*cking greek god.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"Wanna teach me how to use them?" Shock flashed in his eyes again before something seemed to take over him.

His hands gently place themselves over my arms softly, and I watch as his eyes flick down every part of my body.

"Your hot-" he mumbles as if it was more to himself, but I heard it.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now