Chapter 10 : The Origin Of The Lycans (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words:- 6908.

Song- Birdy all you never say.

Iris's P.O.V

"Mummy!" The little girl screams at the top of her lungs causing her brother to bolt upright and look at her in shock.

His eyes scan his sister, identical to him in many way only unlike him, RightNow she was covered in sweat, crying desperately and looked scared for her life.

"Ice?" The little boy calls, her head snaps in his direction just as the door swings open revealing the twin children's parents.

Their mother rushed to her, as her father took three big steps and was Infront of her in seconds.

With the women next to her, with her arms around the little girl and the man couched Infront of them with his hands gently placed on the little girls knees.

The little boy comes closer and the man places him on his lap as the little boy reaches over and grabs the little girls hand.

"It's okay your better now, see" the little boys ensures, trying to make his twin sister happy again.

The little girls tearful eyes stare deeply into her mother and father's as she cried.

"His coming for me mummy, there's a storm outside and a man c-came a-and his going to take me away!" she sobs harder, she may have missed the look the parents shared but her brother did not.

Her mother grabs her hands and stares deeply into her eyes "my darling listen to me and mummy needs you to listen to her closely-" the girls eyes were unfocused as the mother cupped her face.

Her daughter's beautiful blue eyes shined through her "sweetheart, listen to me. When the storm comes I need you to...WAKE UP"

Thunder roared loudly from outside followed closely with flashes of lightening causing to me bolt awake with a loud gasp and sit up instantly.

Sweat covered my whole body as I stare wide eyed Infront of me.

Blink! Just blink!

Iris f*cking blink.

The shadow stood at the end of my bed, staring at me. It's head suddenly drops to the side and that's all I needed to close my eyes tight.

Anyone else ever taught that if you was scared of the storm to count how far the lightening was from the thunder.

Then say if you got to like 10 and the thunder raws and that how far the storm was from you.

Yeah, well that's never helped me.

I've always been afraid of storms and honestly I don't know why, they just seem to trigger something in me.

I can be asleep when the storm hits, but then 2 minutes into it the weird dreams start and when I bolt awake, a flash of lightening and what always looks like a person is always Infront of me for a second before it's gone.

And then I'm a mess for the rest of the night and today was no exception.

After opening my eyes and finding the figure was now gone, I stay frozen to my spot. Staring at where the figure stood momence ago not convinced it was gone.

But after what felt like hours, I will myself to move.

I all but run for my bedroom door, not allowing the demons under my bed to grab me.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now