chapter 42:- Tempary Home (NEW)

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Words:- 4405.

Song- carrie Underwood.  temporary home.

Iris's P.O.V

I stare at the three women in each cage, taking each of them in as I witness the scene Infront of me.

Callum and his mum leaning as close as they could, both were sobbing.

Callum had fell to his knees overwhelmed and his mum tried is desperation to hold her child.

I turn my head to look back at the two other girls in cages, both looking at the scene in shock and slight hope.

"What's your names?" I say causing all eyes to snap up to mine, they all stare silent making me frown.

I take a step closer to Callum "you okay sweetheart?" I say softly, he nods leaning into me.

His mum watches my moves carefully, watching everything I did.

"You care about my son" she states, looking slightly shocked.

"Callum is a part of my pack-" I look at him smiling "his family, your mate is my mates brother" I tell her.

Her next words shocked me.

"Your iris Maxwell aren't you?" If it wasn't her words that shocked me it sure was the way other girls shoot to their feet, pushing themselves against the front of their bars. Hope in their eyes, talking all at once.

"Are you really iris?" They say in union and my eyes go even wider, Callum looks at me confused before looking at the women in the cages.

"I am, although I must admit you ladies have me at a disadvantage. You know who I am yet I do know any of you. Not even a name?" The last bit was more of a hint, hoping now they'd trust me enough to tell me.

They stared at me before looking at eachother, well the other two girls looked at callums mum.

Who studied me for a moment, her brows scrunching together before a small smile kisses her lips.

"It really is you" she whispers, her voice slowly begining to sound more full of life and hope then when she first spoke.

"Iris it's me isabella" her name seemed to echo over and over again in my head, I frown before Freya sends me a quick image. Of a small girl I barely remember yet would never forget.

She was younger then me by a year or two but held her self like she was older then everyone

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She was younger then me by a year or two but held her self like she was older then everyone.

Another image of four babies in a circle, four witches around them. No words could be heard and the images was gone so quickly causing me confusion.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now