Chapter 19: We're Fated (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words:- 7337.

Song-the fray kiss me.

Iris's P.O.V

It was loud, so bloody loud that It was hurting mine and my wolves to.

My eyes scan the people all sat around us on different tables.

My eyes land on a boy and a girl sat at a small table, the boy reaches out and grabs her hand.

Running his thumb over her skin as she smiles and blushes like crazy, the action is unknown to me but God did I crave what she was feeling.

They looked happy, they looked in love.

Next to them sat another couple, much different from the one before as
The girl stares at the man Infront of her, tears rolling down her face. Whereas he was to busy eyeing someone's behind already.

The next three tables were full of family's, the mother looked like she'd  do anything to be anywhere else, the father's looked stressed -probably wondering if their children are always like this- whilst the kids all screamed and ran wild.

"It's so-" I start softly still staring at the people around us.

"Loud" lex breaths out, I look in her direction to see she was looking at everyone the same way as I was.

She turns her head to me and our eyes connect, instantly we burst out laughing.

I like her, she's like me.

Both feeling caged half our lives.

"Part of me is glade I'm a wolf" she suddenly says causing me to frown as she just stares at a couple close by.


"To save us the heartbreak humans have to go through" she says, I frown.

"What are you talking about?" I say confused, this time she frowns.

"Mates" she says as if it's the obvious thing in the world, when I continue to stare at her clueless she seems to explode.

"Surely you've read about them in that book iris?" She says hopefully only to have me shake my head 'no'.

"Maybe Oscars told you?" She suggests again.

"I'd remember if he would have mentioned about that lex" I say softly causing her to look down as if she was thinking for a minute.

When nothing left her mouth for about five minute I assumed that the conversation was done.


"I mean can you imagine having to have your heart broken, then put back together to be broken again. You know humans can live a lifetime and no even met their soul mates"

Oh I see we're back to that conversation before hand.

She looks back at me and her face changed, she must have noticed how confused I looked and now she realised something.

"What do you mean?" I ask frowning.

"You really don't know do you?" She said in shock causing me to frown even more.

"Know what?" I stared at her for a long time, waiting for an answer but it never came.

And I thought I'd never get an answer, until this look covers her face and she leans closer.

"We're not like everyone else iris, we're lucky! The moon goddess gifts us our soul mates, our one and only"

My frown only seems to deepen at this.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now