Chapter 6: She Doesn't Know What She's Capable Of (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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Words:- 3072.

Song- Jesse glynne take me home.

Iris's P.O.V

Every inch of my body begged me to stop, slow down even but I could couldn't.

No really, I couldn't. It was like each second that passed I lost more and more control of my body.

My legs give out for a second causing me to let out a cry, only for a small voice at the back of my mind to scream 'get up' and my body lifts instantly; my journey to God knows where continues

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My legs give out for a second causing me to let out a cry, only for a small voice at the back of my mind to scream 'get up' and my body lifts instantly; my journey to God knows where continues.

The only thing I had control over was my mind and even then I couldn't seem to stop my mind from going to places I was trying to stop.

I felt like I was the most stupid person ever, because secretly I allowed my felt to trust complete stranger and the reason...

Because the one who seems like the leader is hot and makes me feel things I didn't before.

Could I be anymore of a girl!

I felt hurt, why the hell would he do something like that?!

I felt betrayed, I was not ready to tell them a big part of my life, I wasn't ready to tell them any part. But when Oscar ripped off my shirt I felt like I was so vulnerable and exposed.

I know what they saw which is why I didn't wanna tell them. Not until I was ready.

And that...that made me so. f*cking. Angry.

For some crazy reason my eyes seemed to flash different colours every minute, first their normal. Then black and white. Yellow. Then different colours.

I flick my eyes downward for a moment, I see my nails grow for a second and my veins on my arms swell and black began to travel they my arms like my blood had changed colour.

My mind flashes to the scratch's down Oscars face after I hit him, I really am a monster.

My legs gave out and I fell to my hands and knees and for the first time my body let me.

I could literally feel my blood pump through my body and I could feel my heart beat faster with anger as it rised higher and higher.

Soon I was the angriest I've ever been and what's worse, I don't even know who I am anymore or what I am, where I belong.

I'm losing control over everything not even just myself right now.

I'm a monster.

'no...we're not' a deeper voice then the last once in my head rings, as tears stream through my eyes I slowly lift my head.

Of course no one was there.

I'm alone.

'not anymore' the voice says back, I almost felt like warmth entered my body none the less the burning of my body just overpowered that.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now