Chapter 35: We Must All Unite And Be Strong (REWRITTEN/NEW)

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words:- 4273.

Song-Taylor swift out of the woods.

Iris's P.O.V

The forest seemed to pass me as a blur, a smile takes over my face as my eyes still manage to capture any movements around me.

I willed my legs to go faster even with my body objecting.

I saw movement in the corner of my eyes and I let out a groan, pushing faster even more.

Before making one quick movement and jump to the side, landing straight on Oscar.

We hit the ground and roll slightly before I pin him down - for the fifth time- he looks up at me with a smirk as I look down at him with a smile.

His hands place on either side of my arse cheeks on my yoga pants, I lean down and place a kiss on his lips before quickly shooting up and running for it.

I heard him growl and get up but I push myself to speed up, I saw him come at the side of me shooting me a wink which made me laugh.

Before I offer him a wave and take off running faster, shock took over his face.

I had successfully passed Oscar on this run, which for the last week has been hard for me to do.

But with constant practice despite everyone objecting I've become stronger, healthier and faster.

Hell I feel I've even become a better person.

My pack and kingdom are the most important thing to me and I take it seriously.

If I'm honest from the moment I decided to step up as queen I felt closer to my mum, like she was there with me every minute of the day, helping influence me.

Now my pack and every species in my kingdom has been training and anything and everything, everyday.

And little by little every one of them are improving and becoming the best versions of themselves, the version they kept hiding for so long.

No more hiding! That's one thing we now take seriously, we don't have to hide anymore, none of us do.

I've now been able to out run Oscar, but I must be getting so cocky because I watched Oscar shoot past me before my eyes could capture him.

When I move my head around I couldn't see where he was or where we went and that caused me to stop.

I ignore my heavy breaths as I look around keeping my eyes on everything around me.

'where is he?' Freya says coming out my body to look around with me.

'should have kept running' silver says leaning against the trees just as mine and Freya's body is hit with a force and tackled down onto the floor.

I gasp in surprise and look up to meet them blue eyes I'm growing to love dearly.

'told you' silver says sounding bored, I look to the left of me to see gab was holding Freya down as she looks at him with love.

"Stop letting your ego get the better of you red!" He says placing a kiss on my lips before pushing off the floor and standing, he offers me a hand and pulls me up.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now