Chapter 11: confirmation he needs (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words:- 3795.

Song- the fray how to save a life.

Oscar's P.O.V

It had been a week since I had asked legacy for help, a week that I have gone I detected.

However, I can't say doing what I did hasn't had an impact. I've got to see iris at least twice a day.

The need to see her smile, make her laugh, take in her blush just seemed to grow more by the second but I can't say I didn't know about it because I did.

I knew the risks but I still took them.

I shook my head and look back at the words on the files Infront of me. I was in my office, doing work I was begining to fall behind on.

I place my elbow on the desk and lean my head on my hand as I continue writing letters and filling out forms for the council.

Those motherf*ckers always try burying me in paper work, probably to see how much I can take before I can break.

When I'm sixteen years deep of running this shît and I'm not planning on stopping now.

Suddenly, slowly a cold shiver travels up my spin causing my hand to freeze mid-write.

A ringing that started of quiet then became extremely loud starts ringing through my ears, I look up at my door as I place my pen down and stand up.

My heart was racing so fast I felt like I was losing my breath, I collect my files into my hands and walked out my room.

Straight across from me to the reason all this stuff was happening to me. Iris.

I told you, since I did what I did (which you can't know about yet) things have...changed?

I walk straight into her room, walking closer to her bed. My eyes scan her almost as if it's automatic now, she has managed to get herself in the middle of the bed.

She was curled into a tight ball and the cover was at the end of the bed on the floor. I chuckle slightly as I place the folders onto the bedside cabinet.

I lean over placing my hand softly on her shoulder, instantly she loosened the ball that she had put herself into.

My right arm slide under her legs and my left arm slides round both her shoulder, I lift her swiftly and place her back onto the side she always seemed to lay.

Once her head was back on the pillow a small happy sigh left her mouth and I had to push down a very edgy wolf.

Again, things have...changed? Slightly.

'im keeping her'

'she is not an object gab' I say, he rolls his eyes and flips me off.

I lean to the bottom of the bed, grabbing the cover and shaking it off for a second before placing it over her.

I sat beside her on the bed, flicking off my shoes and leaning back against the headboard. I lean over and grab my files, placing them on my lap comfortably.

I look to my left at iris for a moment, her face was facing me and she looked in peace.

I place my left hand over the spot on my chest my heart is, slow and steady. A smile covers my face as my eyes flick back to her face, she had calmed down now.

She always did. I've been doing this every night for the last week, I'd help her sleep peacefully through the night and leave before she ever woke up. She doesn't even know.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now