Chapter 12: The Things that bind us! (REWRITTEN/ NEW)

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Words- 2961.

Song- Sara Ramirez the story.

Iris's P.O.V

Ever since that day in the forest, I thought I would have brought me and oscar closer but for some reason it seemed to pull us apart.

Not from my behalf either.

It seemed wherever I was Oscar made a point not to be, at first I didn't let it bother me I thought he must of been busy. I'm just pîssed off.

I pushed the covers off of me and stand up, it wasn't like I was going to sleep any time soon.

I'm now three days without sleep and for some reason new to me I'm growing more irritated, more on edge, more angrier then over ever been.

I storm downstairs wearing the vest top, short shorts and robe. I didn't even make an attempt to tighten my robe with max and Mia at my side.

"Where is he?" I say the second u push the door open with a bit of force.

Kyle and Dustin's eyes met mine in surprise.

"Who?" Dustin frowns causing me to narrow my eyes and walk closer.

"Don't play don't with me dust, you know where he is every minute of everyday" I snap out.

Kyle bursts out laughing as Dustin makes a weird face.

"No I dont" he says to me then looks at Kyle as he laughs harder.

"You do though" Kyle says between laughing.

"F*ck off!" He says.

My eyes meet kyles and slowly he stops laughing and smile slowly disappears.

"Kyle-" I say slightly softer.

"His downstairs in the gym, but maybe you shouldnt-" the second the words left his mouth, I turn and make my way there, hearing Kyle shouting "go there"

I walk up to the door that leads to basement where the gym is, I stop and look down.

"Stay here" I say softly, I go to take a step but max steps Infront of me stopping me.

"I'm objecting" he says causing me to giggle.

"I expected nothing less, but I'm asking you please! Stay" our eyes stare into one another's for a moment before he sighs and steps back.

I walked down the dark stairs feeling mia and Max's eyes watch from the door, past all these old look doors, this part of the building looked like it was taking care of the less out of all the rooms in this house.

My eyes find some huge metal doors right In front of me, causing me to stop a moment.

I tried to think of why I would act this way, depending to know where he is and storming to see him.

I've come to realise I'm hurt, he hurt me. Something he said he'd never do. So above all I'm pîssed.

The more time I spent here, the more I felt the change in myself, some days I felt like I was dying other times -and I know this sounds weird- it's like I become the girl I was always meant to be.

I wrap my hand around the door handle, ripped it open and walk in.

Instantly the gym takes my breath away, lines of machines yet looked nothing like the hall I just walk through.

It was sparking clean and the marble floor and white walls caused it to seem so bright.

Coving a few walls around the gyms we're mirrors, that covers the wall from ceiling.

I see you (REWRITTEN/ COMPLETE) #thewattys2023Where stories live. Discover now