Chapter 2: Try joining a team

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It was the rainy afternoon in the city as we see Y/n driving through his Deluxo through the street while listening to the weather news through the radio as the weather man says about the rain my continue pouring for the rest of the night. Disbite that Y/n is heading to a place where he usually go to hand out.

Soon he arrived to his location as he park his Deluxo at the side walk near the alleyway as he got out and shut the door. He locks his Deluxo and make his way through the alleyway where we see a door at the left side which he walks up to and then knock at the door.

Seconds later a small slide open to reveal to be eyes as he look down at Y/n as the person at the other end ask.

???: Name?

Y/n: Y/n L/n, level A class mercenary/Bounty hunter.

Then the person unlocks the door and opens to reveal a robot as he stare at him as he step through the door.

Then the person unlocks the door and opens to reveal a robot as he stare at him as he step through the door

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Reaper: Make sure you don't start a fight or break any of the rules.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry, I won't.

He make his way down the steps and soon arrived at the bottom floor as he step into a large underground bar where Mercenary and Bounty hunter hang out such as Boba Fett, Zero, Locus and everything else as they talk to each other either discuss about the next jobs they will pull or what weapons maybe better for them.

Soon Y/n make his way to a table which he sat down and waits for the waiter to arrive so he can take his order. As he waits he sees a lot of mercenaries and Bounty hunters talking to each other and having drinks or foods while Y/n is just scrolling through social media and looking at some memes he can find.

???: Ah nice to see you here.

Then a random mercenary sat across from him as Y/n looks over to see the mercenary as he stare at Y/n back.

Then a random mercenary sat across from him as Y/n looks over to see the mercenary as he stare at Y/n back

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Y/n: Never seen you before.

???: That's because I have some important business. You know, if your interested with it?

Y/n: And what would that be?

Onyx: Before I can explain allow me to introduce myself. My name is Onyx but my friends call me "The master" and the reason why I'm sitting here with you right now is because I wanted to host a mercenary challenge.

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