Chapter 45: Chilling in Bowers place

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It was the afternoon and in Bowser Castle we see SMG4, Mario, Luigi and Bowser sat in front of four computers each and playing a match as they are making a lot of noise. We see Y/n, Blitz and Church taking turns with the dart board as Church stood there and trying to land a bills eye.

While near the fire place we see Delta laying on the floor chewing on a bone while Meggy, Samus and Boopkins are sitting on the couch and watching some anime which they were force to watch.

Church: Okay.....I got this......I got this.

Church take a few deep breaths and then he throws the dart that completely missed and bounce off the wall which made Church mad.


Blitz: (smirk) Ha! Eat it bitch!

Church: Oh shut the fuck up dude! I don't see you landing a perfect aim better than Y/n?

Blitz: (smirk) Please watch this bitch.

He pulled out his pistol and aims at the target and blows up the target which the three just turn to Blitz while Blitz ask.

Blitz: What?

We cut back to Meggy, Samus and Boopkins watching anime and then Boopkins asking the three girls.

Boopkins: (smile) Are you two liking it so far?

Meggy: Um.....yeah? It's interesting, I guess.

Samus: Yep.

Samus security pull up her blaster attempting to destroy the TV when suddenly Mario and SMG4 were sent flying across the room and destroyed the TV.

Boopkins: No! my anime!

Samus: (sigh of relief) Thank God.

The guys sees that the computers have been destroyed and before they can say anything Y/n can feel his stomach rumbling.

Y/n: Boy I'm hungry. Hey anyone else feels hungry!

Meggy: (smile) Me!

Samus: (smile) I'm sorta hungry.

Delta: (smile) I'm super hungry!

Y/n: (smile) Yea you are Delta.

Bowser: Well in that case I'll order some pizzas.

Everyone agreed with Mario jumps up and down on yop of SMG4's body as Bowser pulls out his phone and dial the numbers for the pizza restaurant.

Bowser: What toppings do you like to have?

Mario: Spaghetti pizza!!!

Y/n, Blitz, Luigi and Delta: Meat lovers!

Meggy, Samus and Church: Vegetarian!

SMG4: (gets up) Pineapple!

Everyone stare at SMG4 with a "wtf" face while Bowser calls up the pizza restaurant.

Samus: Is it weird that we are chilling at Mario's arch nemesis Castle?

Y/n: (shrugged) Well its his no "villiain weekends" meaning he won't do evil stuff in the weekends.

Church: Huh kinda mine accept I get killed a lot.

Blitz: By who?

Church: Letter just say a blue idiot with a talking tank.

Blitz: Sucks to be you. Then again it sounds funny.

Church: Shut up!

Delta: I like to eat foods that Y/n's cooks on the weekends and after that we have se-

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