Chapter 16: The idiotic secret mission (Arc 2)

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We see Y/n ans his team constructed a massive tree base in the jungle and set up the equipment, gear and radio there I case they will be on this island for a long time. We see Yoko cooking up the food with Samus while Brandish and Dimaria is seen taking a hot bath while Y/n is trying to radio in Swag and Chris unfortunately their radio is jammed so they couldn't call them.

Soon Loona came back from our scouting mission as she climb up the ladder and walk up to the rest and tell them.

Loona: Okay I've spotted a veiw anti aircraft cannons and missile pods in some parts of the island but no sign of thid Fortress we should be looking for. Must be deep in the forest.

Yoko: Any dangerous creatures you found?

Loona: Just one of those explosion green creatures like looked pretty creepy but they were easy to avoid.

Soon Y/n leaves the radio table and walk over to the campfire and tells everyone.

Y/n: They're jamming our coms. We can't radio in Swag or Chris unless we find the jammer and destroy it.

Samus: The problem being this is a huge forest and it will take us a long time of finding it.

Yoko: Not to mention how dangerous it will be down below with the wildlife.

Y/n: Hhhmm hey Dimaria and Brandish, can you use your magic in any way to help us.

Brandish: Unfortunate not. If I grow then we will be immediately be spotted but I can shrink trees or any creatures small.

Dimaria: I can also free time so it will make it easier for us to find the facility before they know.

Y/n: Alright then, let's gather our gears and let's search around, hopefully we can fund this facility and get it over and done with.

They agree and they gather they gear and they climb down the ladder and begin their search. Loona was ahead as she sniff the ares while the rest follow her. They walk through the dark and spooky forest, come across soke zombies, skeleton with bows and Creepers while walking through the forest. After sometime of walking and Brandish shrinking the trees to clear a path, they come across a beach as they look around to see nothing but the ocean.

Loona: Well we found the beach but not the Fortress.

Samus: Which way now?

Y/n: We'll walk through the beach until we come and a Road or something.

They keep on moving and it wasn't long for them to come across some birds surrounding something as they heard something crying out.

???: Ah stop! Your soo mean! Someone help me!

Y/n pulled out his bulldog, aim it at the sky and fired a shot which cost the birds to fly away while they see a weird looking fish laying in the floor as they walk up to him.

Y/n: Hey fish boy, wake up.

He poke it and soon he slowly sat up and sees them and shortly after he smiled and stand up straight.

???: (smile) Thank you for saving me! I've gotten lost and ended up here. I fall asleep and woke up of birds bullying me.

Y/n: Okay. So who are you or....what are you?

Boopkins: (smile) My name is Fishy Boopkins, its nice to meet you all. Are you a fan of anime, I have a collection of them back at home.

Loona:........Why do I have a feeling this fish is gonna be weird.

Y/n: Maybe later. Look have you see anything that looks......"military like?"

Boopkins: Military like?

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