Chapter 10: Valentine dates (Lemon)

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Valentine day has finally come and we see everyone celebrating Valentine day with their partners and lovers in this special day. We then cut to a mall and at Starbucks we see Peach and Daisy taking a sip of their warm tea as Daisy looks over to Peach and then tells her.

Daisy: (smile) Can't believe Valentine has finally come. It's just a lovely day.

Peach: (smile) You can say that again Daisy.

Daisy: Say are you gonna try to spend Valentine day with Mario? If so, well I'll wish you good luck this year Valentine day, last year was a disaster and a lot of people were killed.

Peach: (light chuckle) Well this year that's not gonna happen.

Daisy: Why? Did you managed to straighten things up with him and act more human?

Peach: (smirk) Nope. I'm waiting on my new lover which he will show up any minute now.

Daisy: (little surprised) Really, who? Did you find this person on the Internet because he might be a catfish, just saying.

Peach: (smirk) Nope. Oh! There he is right now! Over here darling~!

Daisy: Well whoever this guy is letting hope he's not as ugly as mar-

She turn and immediately her eyes widen in surprised to see Y/n walk into Starbucks as he walked over to them whike Daisy heart skipped a beat, Can't believe how handsome he is.

He then sat with them as he tells them.

Y/n: (smile) Hey there ladies, sorry I was a bit late, I was doing a job.

Peach: (smirk) Was it something badass?

Y/n: Let's just say.....I have to threating HBO max of never making a garage series. What was it called.....I think I was Velma but who really cares, anyways what's happening with you both?

Peach: (smile) Very good. Oh Daisy, this is Y/n, he's a Bounty hunter. Y/n, this is my cousin Daisy.

Y/n: (smile) Daisy, that's a lovely name.

Daisy: (giggle) Well your even lovely to yourself.

Y/n: Hey I'm gonna take a piss, be right back.

He leaves for the bathroom and once he was gone Daisy turns to Peach and tells her.

Daisy: He is so hot!

Peach: I know right! Best of all, he's completely better then Mario!

Daisy: Your soo lucky that you met him! God, anyway we take turns with him?

Peach: (smirk) Maybe.

The two girls smirked to each other and soon Y/n finish up his business in the bathroom as he walked outside and walked over to the two girls.

Y/n: So, ready to start the day?

Peach and Daisy: (smile) Sure thing!

The trio head ofd to start the day as they go some shopping around the mall and trying out new stuff the store have and having some fun. After a while of shopping we see them outside of the store as both Peach and Daisy turn to Y/n and tell him.

Peach: (smile) That was a great time.

Daisy: (smile) Yeah and nothing blown up or no police were involved for once.

Y/n: (smile) I have a great time as well. Its also nice to meet you Daisy.

Daisy: (smirk) Same to you, here this is my phone number, call me anytime you like.

She hand over hee phone number and after that the two left. Y/n just smirked to himself while he slide Daisy's phone number into his pocket and then check his phone to see messages of girls wanted him to hang out on Valentine day.

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