Chapter 54: Anime war (Arc 6)

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???: Incoming!

A explosion sends a few rebels away as they land hard onto the ground. Medical teams came over to take them away while more rebels push forward as some where on top of the wall and shooting down the A.S.S.

The A.S.S tries to push forward and get near to the entrance door only to be gunned down by turrets as the turrets rip them up.

Then Y/n came up the wall with a SPNKR, he walks over to Sargent Johnson who is popping some heads with his battle rifle and then turn to Y/n.

Johnson: Looks like they are sending everything they have to take us out.

Y/n: Agree but we can handle them.

He aims his SPNKR and then fired a rocket which result of a few A.S.S vehicles blown up along with A.S.S soldiers killed. Y/n hands the SPNKR to a random Rebel and pull out his Lancer.

Y/n: (smirk) Any super soldier who wishes the join me, then do so. Let's do this.

He leaps down follow by a few Spartans, Prophet, Doom guy Republic commandos as they leap off the wall and land in front of the entrance and begin to open fire at the A.S.S.

Meggy gets onto one of the towers as she pull out a rifle and begin to take a few out from a far.

Mario: Suck Mario's dick you ass!

Mario appears on top of the gate with two miniguns in both of his hands and when he pulled the trigger he was sent flying and soon crashed into a pelican that blows up.

Mario pop out from the flames burning but gave a things up while the rest just sigh while we cut back to Y/n shooting at the A.S.S.

He even got top of one of the vehicles and drop a grenade in and leap away as the vehicle blows up. They continue fighting the A.S.S as the gates soon open and tanks came out along with heavy soldiers as they begin to overwhelm the A.S.S and they begin to fall back.

Y/n: Hold it!

They stop firing as they see the A.S.S falling back which they cheer for victory. Then Y/n spotted Fordo and his teams gunship so he return inside and meets him ans his arc trooper team at the landing pad.

Once the gunship landed Fordo and his arc troopers came out along with Saiko, Yoko, SMG4, Boopkins, Bob, Dimaria and Brandish as they look around and then Saiko said.

Saiko: Looks like we missed the party.

Loona: You can say that again.

Then Mario, Loona, Samus, Meggy, Luigi and Tari came over and stood near Y/n as he then ask them.

Y/n: So how is your trip to Japan?

Boopkins: It was amazing! So many anime, it was so great!

Samus: That must be fun.....what about this Axol person?

???: Do not fear!

They Axol step out as he doing his dramatic anime pose as he announce himself.

Axol: I, Axol is here to save anime!

Y/n and his group:..............

Loona: Huh so that's why his name is Axol, because he's literally an Axolotl.

Yoko: Your not alone here girl.

Y/n: (smile) either way we got Axol so now time to discuss our plan.

(Short while later)

At the planning room we see everyone gathered as Y/n shows the group a large map where Y/n points to the building where Lawrence is located.

Y/n: So this is where Lawrence is at and according to Dario he has a large army that is protecting this area. Our goal is to sneak into his building and confront him without alerting any of his soldiers.

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