Chapter 19: Awakening power

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We see Y/n at the Fairy Tail guilf where we see him playing poker with Natsu, Goblin Slayer and Thor as the four were looking at each other and having poker faces on them as they take glances at each other and then to their card. Then Natsu smirked and slammed his card down and called out.

Natsu: (smirk) I win! Take that!

Thor: (chuckle) You simple mortal.

He then placed down his own cards and then said.

Thor: (smirk) It seems I win this dual and the reward is mine.

Natsu: No way dude! I absolutely win!

Thor looks down at the cards to see pokemon cards on the table and glance up at Natsu who nervous try to make a excuse but falls slient. Thor cheered as he was about to take the money when Y/n place his cards down and they see that he is the winner.

Y/n: (smirk) Read them and weep sucker. Go Goblin Slayer, what about you?

He then placed a head of a Goblin onto the table that is still bleeding which the trio stared at him for a moment.

Natsu: Dude you have some problems.

Thor: Since that doesn't count and both me and Natsu lost, I believe the victory belongs to Y/n.

Natsu: Damn it! You are good at this. What's your secret?

Y/n: (smirk) If I tell you, I have to put you into my Deluxo and drive you around for 24 hours.

Natsu: Your cold!

Y/n: (chuckle) Just joking with you.

He takes the money jet as Mirajane came over with theie drinks and hands then theie drinks.

Mirajane: (smile) Here you go Y/n.

Y/n: (smirk) Thanks Mira.

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek and walk away as Y/n sips his drink but suddenly his glass blow up which surprised the trio.

Y/n: Shit. Not again.

Natsu: You okay bro?

Y/n: Yeah just this stupid power is acting up.

Thor: Power? I thought you never have powers?

Y/n: That's what I thought but throughout the months I have been getting this strange powers. The first that happened was that pizza restaurant. Right now it has been acting strange and I'm not sure what is going on here.

Thor: Hhmm then perhaps you need some help by someone to teach you with your powers. That way, you can control your powers.

Y/n: Yeah guess that is a good idea. You got someone in mind?

Thor: Maybe talking to Dr Strange or Dr Fate.

Y/n: Guess I can ask them for help. Well I'm here, see you guys later.

Then he finished his drink and leaves the guild and after he left Goblin Slayer stood up and walk off while saying.

Goblin Slayer: Off to kill some Goblins.

Natsu: Um cool man.......(whisper) He really likes killing Goblins.

Thor: (whisper) Indeed. Let us hope he won't find out about female Goblins.

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n arrived at Dr Stranges place first and once there he spoke to him about his power which Dr Strange use his magic to scan his power but he made a confusion face as he open his eyes.

Y/n: What's up?

Dr Strange: For odd reason I can't sense your power level. But it is nothing I have never seen before.

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