Chapter 24: A outbreak within the castle

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We see Y/n, Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert standing outside of Peaches Castle just to hang out with the SMG4 crew. When they arrive there however they noticed that the door was burst open and broken as it lay on the floor of the entrance as the five of them see this.

Noire: we go in? Or not?

Vert: I mean usually you said they make soke chaos right darling Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah. Mario must have thrown the oven for burning his Spaghetti.

Noire: True. Also why are were here again?

Neptune: (smile) To spend time with Y/n of course. He did say he wanna hang out at the SMG4's crew so why not we come along.

Noire: Well if they are perverts then I'm leaving.

Y/n: (smirk) Just stick behind me if your shy about my new friends.

Noire: (little blush) Shut up.

The five of them walk through the broken door and soon arrived at the main room where they see no one here. They look around only to see nothing as Y/n check on Toad but he wasn't there which makes him suspicious.

Y/n: Something isn't right.

Blanc: Where is everyone?

Noire: I mean this is a huge Castle so I'm sure they are somewhere.

Y/n: Maybe but I'm not sure.

He turn to SMG4's room and goes upstairs and opens it only to see it to be empty which he closes the door and turn to the four goddess.

Y/n: Okay either A they are captured or B trying to scare us. I suggest we split up and find them.

Vert: (smile) I'll go with darling Y/n.

Blanc: No way! I'm going with him!

Noire: Hey no fair, I wanna go with him!

Neptune: Me too!

The four of them argue all while stood there. After a while of playing rock paper Scissors we see Neptune go with Y/n to check on the second floor, Blanc waiting for them at the main room, Vert check the painting room while Noire at the basement.

We see Blanc sitting on top of the steps and board out of her mind so she pulled out a book to read. While reading a mysterious figure stood on top of the steps and looking down at her.

Then the figure came down the steps and was getting closer and closer to Blanc. She then sensed it and turn and kick the figure back. She pulled out her melee weapon as the figure slowly gets up.

Blanc was ready to fight this mysterious figure when a few more appear behind her as she turn and one of them launches to attack her.


We see Noire at the basement as she couldn't stand the dust and creepy spiders everywhere.

Noire: Damn this place is soo messy. Haven't they think about organising this crap.

She goes deeper and deeper trying to find any clues but nothing. It was hard for her to see so she try to find a light switch and soon she felt the light switch.

Noire: Finally some light.

She turns it on and let's out a scream when a spider was on her face but after she scream the spider crawl away. Noire was breathing heavily and look around for anyone in case they hear her scream which she breaths a sigh of relief.

Noire: As long no one never hear me scream, I think I'm okay.

Suddenly she heard something behind her and turn only for the figure to come out from he shadows.

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