Chapter 47: The kingdoms that vanish

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We see Zelda's kingdom and its citizens who are concerned of reports of kingdoms vanishing without a trace so they all pack everything they have and leave to live some where so they can be safe.

We then cut to the castle where we see Y/n with Zelda as she shows him a map with red cross showing of Kingdoms vanishing without a trace.

Y/n: So you get to tell me tye kingdoms are not nuked or destroyed but vanished? Like it just straight up disappeared and the only thing that is left is a crater.

Zelda: Indeed. Some witnesses say that they saw the kingdom vanish within a second in front of their eyes. We tried everything to find the kingdoms or who is responsible for this but nothing. There is no clues to point us the right direction.

Y/n: Either someone is smart or someone is powerful.

Zelda: I need your help to find out who is responsible for this. I beg of you.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry I'll find out whonis doing this and get them back. You can't count on me.

Zelda: (smile) Thank you. I would call Link but unfortunately he got arrested after smashing pots.

Y/n: Yeah kinda told him to stop doing that.

Zelda: (sigh) Still good luck and be safe.

Y/n: (smile) I will, no problem.

(Short while later)

At a bar we see Y/n with Loona, Dimaria, Brandish, Robin and Nami sitting down around the table eating at a almost empty bar as Nami ask Y/n.

Nami: So what's the plan?

Y/n: Well as far we know someone is stealing kingdoms without a trace. We needed to find out where this person is taking them or better yet who this person is.

Loona: For one thing this person is powerful. Making Kingdoms vanish is powerful.

Dimaria: So we possibly have a powerful person on our hands. That's great.

Robin: So we have no idea of where these kingdoms are taking?

Nami: Looks like it?

Y/n:.......Wait! I think I got an idea! What about we just make a kingdom but a fake one. Think about it, this person is targing Kingdoms right? What if we create a kingdom that gives this kingdom thief's attention. We hide within the kingdom and when this thief does it we'll find the rest od the kingdoms and we can also find out who this their is.

Nami: Smart but there is one problem. Building a kingdom will take us forever to complete.

Robin: Most of us don't have the knowledge to even create a kingdom. We needed to find someone who is good at building.

Y/n: (smirk) Luckily for us, I know of one builder that would help.


We see the area completely made out of blocks and even the pigs and cows are blocks as they walk around. We then sees a Village where we see the village begin raided by Pillager as the villager panic and enter their homes.

The pillagers are attacking any villagers that can see and they even took down a few iron golems. However we see a few being taking down by Alex in her diamond armor as she fights off the Pillagers with her diamond sword and shooting at them with her bow.

The Pillagers shoot their crossbows at her so she quickly took cover. She begins to eat up so she can heal her wounds until one pillager surprised her on her left and was about to end her when a blade stabbed the Pillager in the chest which surprised Alex.

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