Chapter 51: Anime War (Arc 3)

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A taxi drops off Tari and once she thanks the driver and climbs out the taxi drives off. Tari turns around to see Y/n's military base which seem to have some upgrades. She approaches the door and she knocks at the large metal gate.

Seconds later the metal door slowly begins to open and she can see Y/n standing through the cracks as the doors continue opening until it stopped.

Y/n: Hey Tari, godd to see you.

Tari: H-Hi Y/n. How are things?

Y/n: Oh you know the usual. Building up a rebellion to kick the President off of office and take back the world.

Tari: But isn't that bad?

Y/n: I mean the President is being a huge dick head and trying to piss off Japan so war will begin. So we're just gonna stop him before shit hits the fan.

Tari: Okay.

Y/n: You wanna come in?

Tari: Um sure?

Tari step inside and once inside Y/n closes the door. The two walk by a lot of people getting ready for battle as they continue walking when Tari ask Y/n.

Tari: I noticed youse hideout has some upgrades.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. This place is going to be epic. I even have a large simulation room for training and also to play games.

Tari: (smile) That sounds fun. Bet there are a lot of games to play in that room.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. But I had some rules which one of those rules involves around Mario.

Tari: Huh, Mario is here?

Y/n: Yeah and I should check up on him before he'll do something stupid. Just hope the armoury is-

Suddenly there was the sounds of gunfire coming from the armoury while Griff and Simmons ran out of the armoury.

Griff: I'm too hungry to die!

Y/n: (sigh) God damn it.

They make their way to the armoury and once there they see Mario having a minigun while Loona had a shield in front of her which Y/n sighs and ask Mario.

Y/n: Mario what on Earth are you doing?!

Mario: I want to see if your weapons can shoot Spaghetti.

Y/n: None of of the weapons shoot Spaghetti! Where the hell did you hear that?!

Mario:.....The Internet.

Y/n just facepalm while Loona picked up Mario and tossed Mario out of the Armoury which he crashed somewhere as Loona says.

Loona: I swear that guy is seriously gonna piss me of- Oh yeah Tari. When did you get here?

Tari: Hey Loona. How are things?

Loona: Tired but doing well. You here to join us?

Tari: S-Sorry but I'm not much of a fighter.

Loona: Oh that's alright.

Tari: Hey where ie SMG4?

Y/n: Away to Japan to get someone to help us. While they do that we are gathering everyone we know to fight against corruption.

Tari: If there is anything you need, I can sure try to help.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Tari.

She blushes a bit then Donut enter the armoury and tells Y/n.

Donut: Hey there is someone at the door.

Y/n: Alright I'll go and see who is it.

Soon they get back to the door and Y/n opens and once open Y/n then said.

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