Chapter 3: The missing meme's

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We see Y/n at his home along with Yoko and Samus as the trio are laying low for the bit after their last job that they have took which revealed to be a terrorist group that were lead by Onyx as we see Y/n looking out of the window while Yoko and Samus were sitting on the couch with Max laying on Samus's lap, taking a nap as Yoko has the remote and gose through the channels to find something good to watch until Yoko asked Y/n.

Yoko: Are you sure we should have just call the police about what happened last night?

Y/n: No point. Even if we would call them their base will be gone. All we know that could be one of many bases they have made.

Samus: Guess that make sense. Who knows how many they have or how strong they might be.

Yoko: Guess so. Still I worry they might hunt us down.

Y/n: (smirk) It be fine, if those fools wanna try to come here and kill us, they'll gonna be I the world of hell.

Yoko: (smirk) Yeah.

Samus simply node, then the front door knocked which they look over and they were not sure it could be Onyx's men or not so Y/n walks over while he ready his Magnum in hand as he approaches the door slowly.

Once he's at the door he grabs the door handle and slowly open the door and at first there was no one as he look around. Suddenly SMG4 came out in front of him while he called out in a panic.


Y/n: Jesus!

He accidentally fired his Magnum which nearly hits SMG4 in the head as he duck down as the bullet hits a car driving by and seconds later the car blow up. The two were slient a bit until Y/n pulled SMG4 inside and shut the door behind him.

Y/n: What the fuck were you think scaring me like that!

SMG4: I'm sorry but I need your help!

Y/n: Help? What help do you need and wait a minute, how do you know where I live?

SMG4: Well probably Bob told me where you live.

Y/n: Oh son of the bitch is he still living in my trash bin again?

Yoko: Hey what's going on?

Then Yoko and Samus walk over and sees SMG4 which Yoko asked.

Yoko: Aren't you that guy that posted memes on tne Internet?

SMG4: (smirk) Well yes I am. You two fans of me~?

Y/n: (sigh) Can we focus a bit the tell me what you need help from?

SMG4: Well I got up in the morning like always and I got onto my computer to look at all the good memes I have stored but they were all gone! I thought i must have deleted it by accident but when I check the recycle bin, I wasn't there. At first I thought it was Mario but he said he didn't do anything to my memes.

Y/n: I see. Do you know who else would have stolen your memes?

SMG4: One and he's my arch rival who have been the pain of my ass for years.

Y/n: Who?

SMG4: SMG3. He has been my arch rival for a long while and he wants to ruin my channel so he can get famous.

Samus: Sounds depressing.

SMG4: I know right. But I bet he's responsible for stealing my memes!

Y/n: So do you know where he's at?

SMG4: Not really but I need your help to find this butt hole and get my memes back. SMG3 is kinda like me but has darker clothes, you won't miss him. Can you do that?

SMG4 x harem x Op male reader: In the world of memes and idiots Where stories live. Discover now