Chapter 48: The ultimate kingdom to rule

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Y/n, Loona, Dimaria, Brandish, Robin, Nami and Alex continue to walk down the long hallways which is almost like a maze as everywhere they go was the same.

They continue to walk through the hallway searching for anything eye catching when they soon come across a door. Y/n kneel down in front of a control panel and begins hacking into the console.

Loona: Damn how long is this place?

Nami: Must be a very long since we have been walking for hours.

Robin: Disbite being a large place there isn't signs of any life.

Alex: That's good right? That means we don't have to deal any trouble.

Y/n: True but not for long. Done.

The door opens and they walk inside and look around. They are shocked to find a room containing cryo Chambers with a lot of civilians from kingdoms being frozen up as they look around.

Alex: That is a lot.

Dimaria: Something tells me this guy has been doing this for a long time.

Brandish: Agree.

Y/n: Well let's go and find this guy and teach him a lesson.

They turn around and immediately the door opens and knights rushed in and stood in their way as they draw out swords.

Y/n: Guess we have to deal with these assholes huh? Okay, let's do this.

He draws out his twin swords and they all charge at them. They battle the knights while more shows up. When more came Y/n pushes the knights by with a force push which crashed into the rest. Brandish then shrink their swords and other weapons and then Dimaria quickly slice them up.

They fell as the rest came out and soon more shows up with crossbows and they begin to fire. Alex equip her shield and blocks the shots while Y/n fire his Kuda and kill a few while more shows up.

They begin to fight them off as Loona launches towards a group and torn them apart. Some were hit by lighting by Nami's staff while Robin spring out fist at a group and punches all the knights with a singal blow.

After a short while the knights are defeated and laying on the floor. Y/n walks over to one of the knights and took a map which he open and look at it for a bit and then he tells the rest.

Y/n: Looks like this place is some sort a ultimate kingdom.

Alex: You don't say?

Y/n: Yeah I mean looks like someone wants to create a massive kingdom with the kingdoms that were taken.

Loona: But who would want that?

Y/n: Well one way to find out.

(Short while later)

The group arrived at the throne room and once there they have their weapons at the ready as they walk through the throne room and sees the dark figure sitting on a throne as he looks up at them and then he spoke.

???: So your here. I was suspected you to show up and now you will die here.

Y/n: You git any idea how many times villains told us that.

Loona: So who the heck are you?

???: I am the new emperor of the world. I am tye most powerful being that you or any kingdom has ever seen! I am feared by all! I AM-

Suddenly the lights came on and they turn to see Alex found the light switch which she ask.

Alex: What? It was too dark.

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