Chapter 31: A special surprise (lemon)

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It was a nice day at Y/n's place where we see him and Ryoko  hanging out as they sat on the couch and watching the news as Ryoko lay on his chest as they watch the news.

News reporter: (TV) It has been a week and a half since the world was thought to be doomed by a deadly virus and a terrorist organisation. The world was ready to die when Y/n with a band of Mercenaries save the world and stop the terrorist plan. Waluigi, the lame fucker is now in therapy so he won't cost anymore chaos, Onyx ans his forces is still out there and Master Hand is at the hospital due to all the broken bones so Smash bros is close until he will be revive. As for our great hero, Y/n L/n became one of the most famous hero in the entire galaxy. There have been body pillows of him, action figures, comics and even a TV show all about him. Thank you Y/n and I hope you have a relaxing day. I mean News Reporter and I hate this job.

Ryoko: Huh I never suspected you to be this famous.

Y/n: Same. I mean I just save the city. There has been countless of cities being attacked only for the heros to swoop in and save the day.

Ryoko: (smirk) On the plus side at least everyone knows who you are.

Y/n: True. Also I've been getting use to my powers which is good. Now I feel even more powerful.

Ryoko: (smirk) Not to mention hotter.

Y/n: (smirk) Oh Ryoko.

Then the two begin to make out on the couch as they let out moans of pleasure as they keep making out. After a long while they stop making out and smirk at each other as Y/n was about to do another when Ryoko stop him.

Ryoko: (giggle) Best you wait for later. Me and the other girls have something special for you. Think you can hold it~?

Y/n: (giggle) I'll bet.

The let out some small laughters and after that Y/n decided to take a ride on his Track Mule. He exit the garage as he ride his Track Mule out onto the street. Soon he enter the city as he ride through the streets and soon he made it to a stop light.

While he waits a group of people turn and noticed him.


Suddenly everyone all turn and see Y/n and suddenly they started to pile up around him and cheering which made him surprised but he just simply smile and wave to everyone. Once the traffic light turns green he rides off as the crowd moved aside and let's him go while they continue cheering for him.

Y/n: Jesus I'm I really that famous?

Suddenly he heard a police sirens and turn to see police car behind him. He pulled over and two officers came up to him and Y/n was about to ask.

Y/n: Is there a problem officers?

Police officer 1: Oh no problem hero. We just want to let you know that if anything happens to you, we have your back.

Y/n: Um.....okay?

Police officer 2: We mean it. Our police station is your police station. Any trouble you call us and we be there to help.

Y/n: Thanks? Can I go?

Police officer 1: Oh yes, sorry about that sir. Your clear to go. Thanks again.

They return back to their police car and drive off while Y/n stood there stunned.

Y/n: What the fuck was that about?

(Short while later)

We find Y/n at the mercenary bar as he drinks with Deadshot as he takes a drink and then tells Deadshot.

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