Chapter 53: Anime war (Arc 5)

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It was the close to the afternoon at City located in Japan and we see Lucy, Erza, Rebecca and Homura guiding SMG4 and the rest down town and soon they turn a corner and they see a large crowd gather ad Rebecca points over the crowd and then tells them.

Rebecca: That's where Axol usually does his shows to people walking by.

SMG4: That's great! Thanks girls!

Rebecca: (smile) Anytime. Hey if you do get back, tell Y/n we miss him and come here and visit so we can have some fun. See ya.

The four girls leave as they walked away.

Bob: Damn how does Y/n get all these fine looking girls.

Saiko: Come on. Let's go and see him.

They make their way over and soon get to the crowd which they have to go through the crowd so they can reach Axol.

Yoko: You know I've wonder why his name is Axol? Isn't it short for Axolotl?

Dimaria: Huh yeah. But I'm sure his name doesn't literally mean he's a-

When they get in front they are surprised to see Axol who is literally an Axolotl and is seen signing autographs to his fans.

Dimaria: Huh.....did not suspect that.

Yoko: Same girl, same.

Boopkins: (amazed) Whoa! He's so cool!

Bob: Can he really help us?

Axol: And now! Watch this!

He then pull out a large piece of paper and begins to draw and suddenly two anike characters came out of the paper and come to life and they begin to dance.

Saiko: Looks like it.

Yoko: (surprised) Huh they look weird.

Brandish: But act a bit stupid.

Dimaria: Well let's go over there and talk to him.

They came over while Axol is signing some autographs when the group came up to them which he turn to them.

Axol: (smile) Greetings. Want an autograph?

Yoko: No thanks. We actually came here because we need your help.

Axol: Help? What kind of help?

Yoko: Maybe we should go somewhere where we can talk privately.

Axol: I see. Follow me, we can talk at my place.

With that they follow Axol to his place so they can talk all awhile a security camera turns snd watches them walking away.


They arrive at Axol's place at night and Boopkins looks like he is in heaven seeing Axol's massive anime collection as he and Bob looks around while the rest spoke to Axol and explain to him about the situation and after they finish explaining Axol says.

Axol: So thise Lawrence bans anime Huh? Well it is time to save it.

Yoko: So you'll help us?

Axol: (smile) Of course! Anime have a right to be equal to everyone so I will help.

SMG4: Huh that was easy. Here I thought things may turn out bad for some reason.

Yoko: (smile) I'm gonna go and call Y/n and tell him the good news.

Yoko heads off to call Y/n while Dimaria ask Axol.

Dimaria: So those anime characters you've drawn? Are they just holograms or what?

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