Chapter 15: The idiotic secret mission (Arc 1)

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We find Y/n, Samus, Yoko, Dimaria, Brandish and Loona standing in the middle of the desert with no sign of any life around them as they look around for anyone coming but hours gone by and there was no one.

Loona: I swear if this is a fucking joke I'm gonna kill them.

Samus: You sure this is the coordinations?

Y/n: Yeah. Maybe we are here early.

Samus: Well this heat is killing me.

Yoko: Maybe a bad idea wearing a tight blue suit.

Samus: Shut up.

Brandish: Hey do you hear that?

They all do and it sounded like helicopters so they look around and soon spotted a helicopter flying towards them as they see it coming down.

Y/n: Huh looks like they came. Thank god for that.

Dimaria: Well they are lucky otherwise I might kill them.

Yoko: it me or is that helicopter coning down very fast.

They soon realised it coming down very fast and was about to crash into them so they move out of the way and then there was a huge explosion. They all get up and turn to see the helicopter crashed as they stare at the helicopter then suddenly the side door kicked out and two soldiers came out of the helicopter.

??? 1: Wow, nice job. You crash yet another helicopter again.

??? 2: Hey! I am the best helicopter pilot that has ever lived! I never crash because I am sexxy.

??? 1: Sigh.

Y/n: So I guess you both are Swag and Chris?

The two soldiers turn to see them and Swag leap up to them and reply.

Swag: Yes! I am the awesome Swag master and behind me is dumbass Chris who totally crash the helicopter and screaming like the girl.

Chris: Your were the one that crashed and screamed.

Loona: Yeah they are worse then Mario.

Swag: Shut up furry! I am glad that you arrived at short notice.

Y/n: Well what is it you two want with us? On your letter you told us about a threat?

Chris: That's correct. Please, come to the military base and we can talk.

Samus: What base? There's nothing here for miles.

Chris: What do you mean? The bass is right over there.

He points at the very huge base not far from there which they all started at it for a moment, not remembering seeing it when they first came here but either way they head in.


At the military base's meeting room we see Y/n and his team there along with Chris and Swag as Chris shows them a picture of Onyx.

Chris: Do you know this person?

Y/n: Yep. A terrorist leader who nearly kill me and Yoko and Samus and then attack Fairy Tail.

Chris: Well we got a report that he has a secret Fortress on an island and according to our intel, he has stashes of weapons and other sort of shit.

Swag: In short he is a jackass that will rule the world and everyone have to suck his dick and we need to stop him.

Loona: Okay but why call us? Can the military not just go there and take them out.

Chris: We heard that you all encounter him before and knows about his terrorist organisation so we pick you all to stop him. Plus, we did sent our while military but "someone" replaced all the ammos with Nerf darts.

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