Chapter 25: The search

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In the forest we see Loona searching around snd sniffing the area as she slowly move through the forest as she continues on searching. Following behind her was Y/n, Samus, Zero and Shroomy as they follow Loona through the forest and keeping an eye on anything they were looking for.

Shroomy: Oh boy this is sure a nice day for a nature walk.

Y/n: Yeah but is this the area where you found Waluigi?

Shroomy: Yep. Never forget about this area. He was a strange fellow though and he seem to be working out.

Y/n: Huh.....Well let's not have him in the same room with Luigi.

Loona moves through the bushes until she step out what seems like a beach and turns and spotted something.

Loona: Hey I think I found something.

They came out of the forest as Loona points to what it was and when they turn they see a open cargo that seem to be left there for a long time. Y/n approaches the cargo and looks inside to see nothing inside.

Y/n: There's nothing.

Brandish: How do we know this is what Waluigi took?

Loona: Well there is a weird smell coming from inside the box and it doesn't smell good.

Y/n noticed some liquid which he scoop up and contain it inside of a test tub as he looks at it and then he tells Shroomy.

Y/n: Thanks for the help Shroomy, you can go now.

Shroomy: Okay. Nice knowing you.

He then pulled out a jetpack and then flies off.

Loona: Since when does he have a jetpack?

Brandish: I'm starting to think his camp is insane.

Zero: Agree.

Loona: So what now?

Y/n: We need to take this sample to someone who knows this stuff.

Loona: Got someone in mind?

Y/n: Yeah and hopefully he won't charge me so much.

(Sometime later)

They arrive at E. Gadd lab where we see him doing scans to the sample while the trio waited for his results. After a while he was done as he takes the sample and looks at it.

E. Gadd: Just as I feared. This is indeed a virus. Tell me again where did you find it?

Y/n: At a beach near the forest. Waluigi was the first to discover it and use it on Shroomy and then it spread to the mushroom Kingdom.

E. Gadd: I see. Well this virus will force people to do a T Pose and once close to another perso, it will infect them and turn them into a T Pose infection as well.

Loona: What by biting?

E. Gadd: What is this a zombie virus? You do realise we have cures to zombie virus right? No. It simply hits on you like no tomorrow until they are turned.

Y/n: So basically a beat down?

E. Gadd: Yes that is correct.

Loona: Well that's out of the way, now we need to find that purple Luigi asshole and find out why he did it.

Y/n: He usually hangs out with Wario at the dump. If we head there we can talk to him.

Then E. Gadd clear his throat as he is suspected payment which Y/n sighs and ask him.

Y/n: How much?

E. Gadd:.....Depends how much you have.

Y/n: Fuck off.

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