Chapter 33: Proof your worth

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We see a man walking down a long hallway within a Government base as he walks up to a close door, type in a pass code and soon the doors open and he step through. At the other side of the room there was only darkness but when the door behind him closes all TV monitors turned on and it show the numbers of the Government from 1 to 100 as all the Government personnel is gathered as G-1 begins the meeting.

G-1: Agent Dario, report on your search for the terrorist lead by Onyx.

Agent Dario: Unfortunately there is no sign of where Onyx and his terrorist forces is at. It seems wherever they went disappeared from sight. We capture some of his troops within the city after the battle but they didn't say nothing. Right now they're been taking by the SCP foundation for their death sentences.

G-30: This is serious Agent. We may have seen destruction because of some foolish acts....especially the red plumber Italian. But this kind of destruction is unexplainable.

G-80: I agree with G-30. Ever since the "Crazy event" a lot of civilians have shown to have gone insane and cost destruction. We watch and believe that our world is doomed that is until things started to calm down. Even though the world has change things have been peaceful until that attack. This act of terrorism shall not be ignored. We must locate Onyx and take him down.

Agent Dario: I understand the seriousness of the situation. We have place wanted poster and high Bounty to anyone to find and bring or kill Onyx. However there is no calls so far.

G-76: Then we have to search the whole galaxy in hopes to find him.

G-55: Calm yourself G-76. Even though Onyx and his terrorist is a threat, we can't let our people down.

G-22: I agree. Perhaps we wait if Onyx would to come out and we will come in and take him out. All in favour.

G-1 to 100: Aye.

G-1: What about this person name Y/n?

Agent Dario: He seems interesting sir. After collection some data during the battle, it seems he's nothing like the rest of most people like Sonic or Goku.

G-44: What's to say he is a God?

G-77: That cannot be possible.

G-66: His powers is unlike we have ever seen. There was a report that he defeated Godzilla with a singal flick of a finger. He even destroy the Covenant empire within a singal day.

G-23: Then this could be true. He is a God.

Agent Dario: I've already have my spies to spy on him, his gang and his friends. They will give us the reports as soon as possible.

G-1: Good. Disbite the good he has done by saving the world, his powers count hold as a threat maybe to the whole universe. When the time comes when he turns on the universe........then we must take him down.


At Inkoplis we see Meggy at the training room and training herself as she shoot her Ink blaster at the targets. She move pretty fast and soon she tosses a ink grenade towards the target only a hand catches her grenade as Y/n came around the corner.

Y/n: Yo Meggy, how are things?

Meggy: Oh hey Y/n, you do know your holding a live ink grenade right?

Y/n: Yeah I know. He simply tosses the grenade behind him and it goes off as he casually walks over to Meggy and ask her.

Y/n: Heard from Mario that you invite Mario and Tari to your team.

Meggy: Yep. The Splatfest is next year so we need to be ready. Just need to find a fourth member.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey whose the most excellent gunslinger and most badass person in the whole universe. (Points himself) Me~!

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