Chapter 41: Mario a hero? (lemon)

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It was another normal day at Peaches Castle as we wee SMG4 and the rest relaxing and enjoying some peace snd quiet when Luigi came in and as he look around and seeing that Mario isn't here.

Luigi: Um guys? Do you think we're a bit harsh on Mario?

Toad: He deserved it.

SMG4: Look I hate kicking him out of the castle but we can't just take it anymore.

Luigi: I mean true he maybe not clever and he may take things too far but he's still our friend. It's not right to kick him out of the castle. Maybe we should find him.

SMG4: Fine but he's just going to be the same old Mario whose never gonna change. I mean it's not like he became a hero or something. Ha!

Male news: (Tv) Breaking News! The pokemon killer have been stop. The killer is name Red who is responsible of countless deaths and kidnapping pokemons from dead trainers. Not only that but Team Rocket, a criminal organiser is now no more after the death of Giovanni. The one who singal handly saved the region is the Italian plumber Mario.

Then I showd Mario being cheered on stage while he stood there all stupid like all awhile SMG4 and the others stare at the screen with their jaws dropped with disbelief and shock.


We see a crowd of people cheering for Mario while he continues to stand there like a idiot while Y/n and Jenny were off stage as Jenny ask Y/n.

Jenny: Are you sure he really killed the killer? I sure?

Y/n: I mean Pengaz is technically his pokemon so.....yeah.

Jenny: Huh.......i have a feeling we're not doing our jobs right.

Y/n: Maybe.

Jenny: Well here is the money as your reward. Your welcome here any time. As for Mario......make sure he doesn't cost any trouble.

Jenny leaves and as soon the crowd left Y/n came up stage and walks up to Mario.

Y/n: (smile) Looks like you did it Mario. You became a hero. Took you awhile since you are called that. So how does it feel?

Mario:........Can I have my Happy Meal now?

Y/n: (sigh) Well I suppose we can since our job is done.

???: Mario!

They turn to see SMG4 and Luigi which Y/n simply said.

Y/n: Oh hey guys. Also saw your meme SMG4, pretty funny.

SMG4: Thanks but Mario did you actually did something completely useful?

Mario: Yes.

SMG4: You sure?

Y/n: Yes he actually did for once. I mean there have been some scraw ups but hey he did it. Besides he Maybe an idiot.

Mario: Fuck you!

Y/n: But he's not a complete idiot. I mean he caught a legendary pokemon that was never discovered so that's sorta cool right? Point being Mario is sometimes useful.

SMG4: Yeah I suppose so. Look Mario we're sorry for kicking you out of the castle. If you come back with us, we'll make you all the spaghetti you want.

Mario: And a Happy meal?

SMG4: Sure. Now get in there.

Mario cheerfully leaps off the stage and climbs inside while Luigi came up to Y/n.

Luigi: Thanks for taking care of my bro. Sorry if he cost any trouble.

Y/n: Nah I learn to accept it. Besides I met more idiots then Mario.

SMG4 x harem x Op male reader: In the world of memes and idiots Where stories live. Discover now