Chapter 29: Onyx's rise (Arc 4)

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We see Y/n pulling out his twin swords and getting into a battle stand while an army of T Pose Zombies surrounded him with Waluigi looking down at him with his staff in hand. He then have the T Pose zombies to get him as they slowly walk towards him while this dumbfounded Y/n to see how slow they are so he slide his twin swords onto his back and then he pulled his Z-6 rotary blaster cannon and begins to open fire the T Pose Zombies all around him.

They were sent flying once hit and soon they were all wipped out and now it was just him and Waluigi now.

Y/n: Eat this!

He fire his blaster cannon at Waluigi which he blocks with his staff so he swap it to his SPNKR and fire two rockets. They blow up once on impact. Y/n stared at the dust when suddenly a bolt of lighting was shot out and immediately he pulled out his shield cannon and blocks it.

But Waluigi charges towards him and punches his shield cannon ans sent him flying back and crash into a wall. Y/n land on one knee but quickly gets up and fire his shield cannon at him which only to make Waluigi to get back as he keeps firing until he gets up close and smack him with his cannon shield and leaps up and double kicks him in the chest then turn 360 while he pulled out his sword.

He goes for a strike only for Waluigi to block it. He block it with his staff and then fired a blast that sent Y/n's flying back but he landed on his feet but immediately blocks Waluigi's strike and the two go at it as they fought. There was explosions and lighting bolts seen by everyone at the front as they are holding off Onyx's reinforcements as they stood their ground and fight them. Soon the dock team arrived to back them up and their was a massive battle with everyone fighting Onyx's forces and the T Pose zombies.

We cut back to Y/n ans Waluigi fighting as the two strike blows ans swings at each other as Y/n swing his sword but Waluigi catches his arm but he fire his shield cannon at his close range which cost him to be sent back. Then Y/n pulled out both lancers and active their chainsaws and charge towards Waluigi and he swings his lancers at him. Waluigi dodges his attacks until he fire his lancers at Waluigi, pushing him back as he keeps firing at him.

Waluigi yells in rage and shoots lighting at him but Y/b active his armor lock and blocks the attack. After that he immediately goes invisible and disappeared from Waluigi's sight as he look around for him.

We then see Y/n appear behind cover with the Endgame in hand as he pooe his head out and then aim his Endgame at Waluigi and charges up. Once charge he fired a beam which Waluigi immediately turn and try to block it but the blast sent Waluigi back and crash through a wall.

Y/n: Take that you son of a bitch!

There was silence for a second and immediately the entire building he was in gets blown up into several million piece as Waluigi's eyes are pure purple with lighting bolts sparking around his body and he looks really mad.

Y/n: Oh shit.

Waluigi yells and shoots powerful lighting bolt at him which he dodges. The lighting bolts cost a explosion once hit on impact as he make a run for it as he dodges the lighting bolts as he ran to avoid them. However he was hit and it made him to be sent flying but Waluigi grabs him by the face and then slammed him onto the floor with a large blast.

Waluigi pinned him to the ground while grabbing his face as Waluigi tells him.

Waluigi: You got any idea how much I've been through?! How everyone rejected me all the time?! Well I have enough! I'll show them all what it feels like to be rejected and with Onyx's help, I can make everyone feel the same rejection as I have!

All of a sudden Y/n begins to laugh and he laughs even more which made Waluigi madder so he slammed him onto the floor and ask him.

Waluigi: WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!

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