Chapter 6: The stolen Fairy Heart (Arc 1)

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Flames surrounded what looked like a destroyed guild in town as we see a few bodies laying on the ground either still alive or dead. We then see armed soldiers walking through the rubble and looking around for any survivors to either capture or kill as we see some dragging the unconscious guild members into trucks and once that they close it and after that the trucks drive off.

Leading this attack is Deathstroke as he walk through the rubble and find a huge hole that they have made to dig underneath the guild as Deathstroke watched as two drop ships fly above the hole and throw down tough ropes for them to use to lift something underground.

???: Your making a huge mistake.

Deathstroke turns to a old man as he stumble towards him while holding on to his injured arm as he tells Deathstroke.

???: You will destroy us all if you use it.

Deathstroke: Just doing my job.

Before the old man dose anything to stop him, he pulled out his pistol and fired at the old man, killing him immediately as his body drops dead while there was a earthquake ans seconds later a huge crystal came out of the ground and lifted up in the air as Deathstroke watched and then turns away and radios in to base.

Deathstroke: This is Deathstroke, we have it. Mission complete.

He stomp at a flag while he walks away as we see the flag that belong to the Fairy Tail guild as they have what they needed and they will use it to threating the world for sure.


We see Y/n, Samus and Yoko relaxing at home as Yoko is seen taking a nice hot shower, Samus making some to eat at the kitchen with Yamper with her and Y/n is sitting at the couch watching some TV while his four Skitty's sat on the couch with him as Samus call out to Y/n in the kitchen.

Samus: Hey Y/n, you want anything?

Y/n: No thanks I'm good.

He flips through the channels until he stumble apon the news which shocked him which cost him to call out.

Y/n: (shocked) Holy fuck.

Samus: What is it?

Samus walks over to him and looks at the TV and sees the news about Magnolia being under attack by terrorist and lives were lost, people were either injured or missing as the terrorist kidnapped many people and those who survive or were not captured tell their tale on what happened and whose responsibility for this sudden attack.

Samus: (shocked) Shit. This is horrible.

Y/n: Yeah. I've heard Fairy Tail have some enemies and their guild or town gets attacked but this, this is something.

Samus: You think these terrorist is from Onyx and his faction?

Y/n: Not too sure. Either them or another terrorist but still, best we be careful.

Samus: Yeah.

Yoko: What are you two talking about?

Yoko enters the living room wearing warm clothes on her and before they explain to her what happened, their door bell rang which they turn to the door. Thinking its Mario, Y/n leaves the couch, walks over to the door and opens it while he said.

Y/n: Look Mario I'm not gonna go to the Spaghetti store and deliver it for yo-

He was surprised and shock to see it was not Mario but rather Lucy from Fairy Tail as she look badly hurt and her arm was bleeding as she slowly look up at Y/n and then mutter out.

Lucy: Help.....please.

She then collapse onto thr front door which Y/n quickly bend down to her and called out to Samus and Yoko which they rushed over to see Lucy bleeding and unconscious.

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