Chapter 20: Hotel Y/n (lemon)

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We see Y/n riding his Track Mule over some hills and doing some cool stunt jumps as he jumps in the air and then land onto the ground as he smirked to himself. Then he noticed something in the distances so he rides over and once there he finds Peach's Castle is on fire and fallen apart while SMG4, Mario, Toad and Peach where standing outside od the castle as he drive up to them.

Y/n: Yo what's happening? I see your castle is on fire.

SMG4: Yeah we know. Mario was cooking spaghetti and long story short, this happened.

Mario: Well at least I tried!

SMG4: Yes, the 55th time you did.

Soon the fire fighters came to take out the fire but the damages were done so Peach approaches the police officer and ask him.

Peach: What are the damages?

Police officer: Well everything is all burned so the cist to repair this is 2 billion dollars.

Peach: (shocked) What?! I can't afford that!?

Police Officer: Well enjoy being homeless. Sucks to be you.

The officer walks off to his car and then make his leave.

Toad: Well I'm gonna die in the street.

SMG4: How I'm I suppose to post more videos. I'm ruined.

Y/n: (smirk) No need to fear because I'm here. I have some amazing powers so this castle will be fixed for free.

Peach: (smile) And that's why I love you.

Mario: Gay.

She punched Mario in the face while Y/n reach out his hand and then there was a bright light which amazed everyone but once the light was gone nothing happened but a loading circle appeared in front of them.

Y/n: Huh. Guess we needed to wait till the castle is fixed........huh........wanna hang out in my place for a few nights?

Peach: YES!

SMG4: Sure why not letting go.


They arrived at Y/n's place and they are amazed to see the inside of his house as they look around in the living room.

Peach: (surprised) What a amazing place.

Toad: How much money do you get as a mercenary? Because I wanna quit and become one.

Mario: Well this place ain't great then me and Luigi's sexxy house.

SMG4: Mario your house is too small for all of us!

Mario: Still sexxy.

Y/n: Well since this is your first time visiting my home, let me show you around the place.

They follow him and soon Y/n opens the door and shows them his treasure room which was a massive hanger like room that is filled with treasures that Y/n have gotten.

SMG4: Um how is it possible for this room to exist?

Y/n: (shrugged) Who cares. This room is where I keep all od my treasures that I have gotten from my jobs or treasure hunts.

Toad: You live a comfortable life.

SMG4 walks over to the piles of treasure and then pulled out the infinity gauntlet with all six infinity stones.

SMG4: Wow where did you get this?

Y/n: Oh cut the mad titans hand hand arm and took the gauntlet as a reward of stopping him wiping out half of the universe. I have other powerful things in here we have, the Anti life equation, Book of E.N.D, Rhisling sword, the seven dragon balls, 100 ender eggs, 18 halo ring activation keys and a lot of cool things I've gotten.

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