Chapter 28: Onyx's rise (Arc 3)

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We see Onyx's troops blocking the highway to the city with armor vehicles blocking the road. Onyx's troops stood there and bored out of their mind as they stand there and guard when a laser was pointed at one troopers chest which he noticed and turn to see another trooper pointing a laser pointer at him.

Male trooper 1: Knock it off man.

Male trooper 2: Fine, your no fun.

He stops and the trooper just looks around. Then a laser was pointed at his chest as it slowly move up and soon it was on his head which he sighs and turns to the same trooper only to see him not facing him.

Male trooper 1: What th-

Suddenly he was shot in the head and drop to the ground as the rest was shocked and suddenly they all get shot in the head and drop to the ground.

At the far distance we see Yoko on top of a armor truck with her rifle as she lower her rifle and tells Y/n that the road is clear.

Y/n nodes as he starts up the engine and he and everyone else moves out. They burst through the blockade and enter the empty city as they drive by the T Pose zombies and soon arrived at a museum which they use as their base.

Hunter and Ghost kick the door open and look around with weapons up. Soon the rest enter and they secure the museum. They take care the T Pose Zombies within by throwing them off the window and once that they block off any entry points and gather at the middle as pulls up a hologram of the entire city.

Y/n: Okay we are here, the comic con is there and the ships are at the docks. We need to split up into two teams and complete our goal. I've sent out the Shadow Garden and Night Raid to stealthy take care of the snipers and scout out the comic con and the docks.

Captain price: Huh this is going to be the biggest battle I've fought.

Captain Rex: Please I have bigger battles then this.

Ghost: What about the enemy forces?

Y/n: We take them on head on. No stealth. We take them on loud and hard.

Natsu: (smirk) Like the sound of that.

Wrecker: Yeah! This is going to be fun!

Tech: If I may ask a question. What are your plans taking down Onyx and Waluigi. Its clear enough those two will be hard to defeat.

Y/n: (shrugged) Just hit them hard and hope.

Echo: I have a bad feeling about this.

Blitz: Well I already have a bad feeling about this.

Alpha: Y/n.

Then Alpha and Leone came back as the two tell everyone.

Alpha: The docks seem to be protected and the ships look ready to go.

Leone: And the Comic con is heavy defended. No way we can get pass those soldiers.

Y/n: (smirk) Well you like some blood?

Leone: (smirk) You know it.

Y/n: (smirk) Then that's what we're gonna do. I'll lead my team to comic con while the other group will head to the docks. Once the docks are done head to comic con as our back up.

Samus: What about the cities defences?

Y/n: (smirk) Already have that covered.


At the city defence control room we see Onyx's troops in there and maintaining the cities defense. Then the door near a Onyx's trooper open and he turn only to have a sword impaled as Zero enter the room.

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