Chapter 12: A Inkling

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We see Y/n groaning to himself as we find him at Lucy's apartment building within Magnolia just to have a drink and talk but it turn into something more then that. He was topples as he sat up from Lucy's bed while he grab his head and letting out a small yawn.

He was still dizzy a bit for drinking a bit too much but he shake his head and once that he find his phone next to the bed so he takes it and looks through social media and messages he has gotten while there was a yawn and Lucy sat up left to him naked as she let out a small giggle and then wrap hee arms around him.

Lucy: (smirk) Morning Y/n. Guess last night was something right?

Y/n: Yeah we drank a lot last night haven't we.

Lucy: (giggle) Yeah but it was fun, you gonna admit right?

Y/n: (smirk) Guess that's true.

He was scrolling through Facebook when he come across something that surprised him.

Y/n: (surprised) Huh. Holy shit.

Lucy: What is it?

Erza: (groaning) What is it?

Then Erza sat up right from Y/n also naked as well as Y/n tells the two girls.

Y/n: Someone just posted someone getting a high score at the target rang.

Lucy: Really? Who is it?

Y/n: It said it's soem sort a female Inkling. Huh. Those are the people that live on that isolated island not that far from shore?

Erza: Yeah i think it's called Inkopolis. What do heard that place is full with Inklings who never seem to leave their island due to their weakness to water. Wonder why is this one here and how?

Lucy: No idea but it sounded interesting to me.

Y/n: Plus she's a skilled with a weapon. (Smirk) Well then, let's see this is true.

Lucy: Your going there?

Y/n: Yeah. Wanna see who this female Inkling really is and challenge her to see she is skilled.

Juvia: May we come with you?

Then Juvia appears underneath the blanket and on Y/n as he shrugged and said.

Y/n: Sure. I'm okay you girls tag along.

Erza: (smile) Alright then. Let's go and meet  her.

(Hours later)

The four arrived at the building where the target range is at as they walked inside. Inside were many gunslinger, marksman and those who have good aim here as they walk over to a male employee and ask him.

Y/n: We heard about a female Inkling being here and we are wondering she is still here?

Male employee: Ah yes she's here. In fact you can head to the target range right now and see her. You won't miss her.

Y/n: Thanks man.

They walk pass him and soon head to the target range and once inside there were a few people inside but they see her shouting her paint gun perfectly at the target as she shows off her target skills while hee scores goes up.

Y/n is impressed by this so he walk up behind and after she was done Y/n ask her.

Y/n: (smirk) So your the Inkling I've heard about right?

She turn to see Y/n as she also smirked while she spin her paint gun around with one finger and then stop spinning it and said.

Meggy: (smirk) Yep. Names Meggy. Who may I be asking?

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