Chapter 18: The idiotic secret mission (Arc 4 final)

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We see a empty hallway as alarms were going off when suddenly the ceiling blows up and Y/n ans his team land ontonthe ground. They slowly get up and look around seeing that the ghost is all clear as Loona and Samus look up to see multiple holes through the ceiling while Yoko turn and see they are at the level.

Yoko: Looks like this is it.

Boopkins: (smile) Yay that means we're almost done!

Y/n: (smile) Yeah come on, let's end this.

They race through the hallway and soon come across a large door which opens and they were face to face a massive generator that towers all of them as they stares at them.

Male soldier: There they are!

Suddenly bullets fly by which they get to cover as soldiers open fire at them. Y/n and the rest return fire as they took out a few soldiers during the gun battle until they all heard a click as they check their ammo.

Loona: Shit! I'm out!

Samus: Same!

Dimaria: Crap me and Brandish are too weak to use our magic.

Boopkins: What do we do?!

Y/n looks at everyone and poke out to see too many soldiers so he pulled out his twin swords and tells them.

Y/n: Plent the bombs, I'll hold them off.

Yoko: No wait!

He then charges towards the soldiers as they open fire at him but he deflected the shots with his sword and then he charge towards them, cutting them down as they were sent flying.

He curs down the soldiers while the soldiers were focused on him as everyone sees this as their chance so they split off and planet the bombs around the room and the generator.

Y/n cuts down the soldiers as he chops off theie legs, head, arms and waist as their bodies were sent flying and blood splattered all around him. He stab a two soldiers and then use their bodies as meat shields as he charge towards the soldiers and knock them off the walkway.

Suddenly a soldiers with a rocket launcher aims at him and then fired which Y/n immediately turns around and within second reach out his hand which stopped the rocket within seconds.

Y/n: (shocked) What the?!

The soldiers was also confused but Y/n pushed the rocket back to the soldier which blows him away. Then another soldier fired his shotgun at him which he turn and immediately the bullets stopped mid air but he suddenly realised everything has stopped.

He look around ans seeing that everyone if frozen in place as he walk pass the bullets and the towards the soldier and then stab him in the guts. Time is restored and the soldier falls onto the ground as Y/n looks at himself.

Y/n: What is going on here?

Dimaria: Everything alright there Y/n?

Y/n: Y-Yeah. I'm okay.

Y/n: (thought) Is this powers? Impossible. How can I have powers and why now?

But bullets fly by him as he turn to see more coming his way so he shake the thought off and continues cutting down the soldiers long enough for everyone to be done planting the last bombs and they regroup by the entrance as Y/n soon join in.

Loona: We got 30 minutes until this whole place blows up.

Y/n: Then what are we waiting for. First person to the surface wins!

They all race out with Boopkins falling behind as they race all the way back to the surface as they run pass the monsters they have released costing chaos and they use that to their escape. They quickly climb up onto staircases, elevator shafts and holes that were left behind during the chaos as they soon reach the large hanger and sees that everything is the mess and the lift is not working.

SMG4 x harem x Op male reader: In the world of memes and idiots Where stories live. Discover now