Chapter 9: The toilet killer

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We see Brandish and Yoko outside with Max, Sam and Mike as they were taking them outside while Dimaria is in the spar bath with Samus as the two were enjoying themselves while we cut to Y/n at the front as he open hid mail box and pull out some letters as he look through them while he walk back inside.

Then we see Brandish using her magic to grow Max as Yoko and Samus watched in shock as Max grow into a huge pokemon which Y/n can see Max at the front before he heads inside the house.

Max: Yamp! Yamper!

Yoko: (surprised) Wow that's amazing! No wonder you're powerful. You can basically shrink or grow anything you want.

Brandish: Yep. It's pretty good and most importantly of all.

She then hugged the big Max while she had a cutesy like face while she hugs the furr of Max as she cried out in a cheerful tone.

Brandish: (smile) This one is sooooo fluffy and warm! I love it!

Yoko: (surprised) I didn't know you love fluffy things.

Dismaria: (smirk) She'll love anything as long its cute, cuddly, soft and fluffy.

Samus: Huh and here I thought she's more serious like me.

Y/n: Speaking of serious, looks like SMG4 sent me a letter?

Then Y/n came out of the back as he open the letter and read through the note while Samus ask.

Samus: Wait? I thought he's all tech nerd stuff? Why is he sending in mail?

Y/n: Well if I know one thing he might be in trouble since phone lines or Internet may track the person to their location. He may have enter some sort a blackmail type of thing or a threat.

Samus: What does it say?

Y/n: Just says to come by the castle as soon as possible. Guess I'll head there, you girls be fine on your own?

Yoko: (smile) We'll be fine, go and sort out whatever SMG4 has and we'll be fine.

Y/n: (smile) Cool, see you girls later then.

He head off and once he's gone Dimaria smirks at Samus and Yoko, then tell them.

Dimaria: (smirk) So you girls love him?

Samus: (little blush) W-Well he is a very skilled Bounty hunter and warrior.

Yoko: (little blush) Y-Yeah, not to mention handsome, I MEAN Nice and cool

Dimaria: (smirk).........

Samus and Yoko: Okay yeah we do love him.

Dimaria: (smirk) Don't blame you especially Lucy and the others girls in the Fairy Tail guild, he's such a handsome, strong and very sexxy person to be around.

Brandish: Not to mention how cute he is (cutesy face) Just like you Max! Yes you are~ Yes you are~!

Yoko: I have a feeling you have something planned right?

Dimaria: Maybe if only you girls want to listen in and be on it?

The two look at each other and then noded to Dimaria which she smirked and tells them her idea.


Y/n rang the castles door bell and stood there and wait for anyone to open. He's seen standing in front of Peaches Castle as he waited for the doors to open and when it does, he turn and ask.

Y/n: So what is it you need sm-


Suddenly he was hit in the face and stumbled back by Mario while holding a pan as Y/n groan in pain and then turn to Mario and ask.

SMG4 x harem x Op male reader: In the world of memes and idiots Where stories live. Discover now