Chaptrr 7: The Stolen Fairy Heart (Arc 2)

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We see a secret military base in the middle of the desert where we see soldiers patrolling around the base to protect the Fairy Heart that they have stolen from Fairy Tail and also captured many of their guild members as well.

We see one soldier at the watch tower looking down St his phone and looking through YouTube videos, trying to find anything to watch bedore he'll die from boredom. He couldn't find anything good so he put away his phone and let out a sigh as he look on in the distances thinking about something when he noticed something shiny in the distances.

He wasn't sure what it is so he grab his rifle and aim down at the scope to get a closer look. Soon he did that a bullet gose straight through his scope, through his eye as he drop his rifle and fell backwards onto the floor.

Seconds after that a two guards at the gates also gets shot within seconds from the distances and then a massive fuel tank gets shot and blows up sky high, blowing up most soldiers who are near it and that alerted them and soon the alarms gose off but seconds later an armor truck came busrting into the base, running over the soldiers and immediately stop in the middle of the base.

Once that the back of the trucks doors kicked open and Y/n was the first to leap out as he fired up his Lancer'x chainsaw and stabbed his chainsaw at the first soldier, killing him immediately while he turn and fire a round at the fee soldiers, killing them while Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, Tech, Crosshair, Samus and Lucy came out as Samus fired her arm cannon at the soldiers, blowing them up and taking a few out as Crosshair leap onto the roof of the armor truck and head shot a few soldiers while the other Bad Batch take them on.

Yoko was the one who is the sniper as we see her, popping some head shots at the soldiers while we cut back to Y/n, firing his Lancer at the soldiers and then swap it with his twin Alternator SMG's and fired at them while he beat them  up with it.

One soldier behind him aim at him but Lucy's tosses her wipe at the soldier's gun, wrapping around snd snatching the weapon out of his hand and she rushed over and kicked the soldier to the ground.

She then wipe another which cost the soldier to fell and accidentally fired his rifle and blow up the storage weapon which surprised Lucy a bit.

After a while they clear up the enemy soldiers at the surface as they regroup at the elevator as Tech pulls out a scanner and points it at the ground while the others stand and guard.

Y/n: Anything?

Tech: Can't see anything below us. Who knows how many soldiers they have down there.

Lucy: Still if that's where my friends are at, then we have to go down there and rescue them.

Hunter: Right, we'll stay up here and hold off any more of these soldiers.

Y/n: Right, come and help us if we don't come back up in q fee hours.

Hunter: Right.

Samus, Lucy and Y/n get inside the elevator and once inside Y/n pushes the ground floor and the lift gose down.

Samus: You think they will be alright?

Y/n: (smirk) They'll be fine. They survived a lot of battles throughout the-

Samus: No I mean the Fairy Tail guild members. You think they will be alright?

Lucy: I hope so. Who knows what they are doing down there.

Y/n: Well let's hurry and save them then.

The two ladies agree and soon they made it to their floor and seconds later the elevator doors open and they walk down the hallway, looking around corners and making sure they will not get ambushed.

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