Chapter 52: Anime war (Arc 4)

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We see Y/n, Tari, Mario and Meggy within a large square room with nothing around them. Mario and Meggy were a bit disappointed as Mario even said.

Mario: This place is shit.

Meggy: Come on Y/n there is nothing here?

Y/n: (smirk) Oh really. Training simulation activity. Layout: Nuke town.

Then the walls and floor immediately changes to nuke Town and large platforms begin to rise up to form cover which now impress the trio.

Tari: (surprised) Wow! It's just like we are at Nuke Town.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. There are other things this room can do but for now this is where we train.

Meggy: This is great! With this, we have a chance! Alright guys, let's see how good our aim is.

Y/n: I'll start. Watch this. Computer, target training mode.

The room changes back to a plan box but then drones came came and fly around the room. Y/n pulled out his E5s sniper rifle and then he take his aim and fire his shot.

He took down one drone and quickly turn and aim at another one and another one. He keeps shooting down the drones while Tari and Mario watch with amazement and soon he took down the last drone.

Once done he smirks to himself and walks over to Meggy.

Y/n: (smirk) Still have it. We'll gonna win this for sure.

Meggy: Just stay focus okay. There is no room for having fun.

Y/n: Okay, I'm just saying.

Meggy: Mario your turn.

Mario: Okay!

New drones came out and fly around. Mario stare at them very intensely and then pulled out a mini gun and begin to open fire. Everyone gets down as Mario fires his minigun every where. Soon he ran out and he completely miss. The drones even stop flying and stare at Mario and turn to each other with a "are you serious" look.

Y/n: There is fucking way you miss all of them!? How can you possibly miss?!

Mario: Fuck you man!

Meggy: Enough! Mario you need to get better on your aim and don't mess around!


Meggy: (sigh) Tari your turn.

Tari looks at the paint ball gun that she get since she hates real guns. She takes aim at one singal drone and fired which she missed.

Meggy: What was that?! A few months ago at ge carnival you have such good aim at the shooting ducks game!

Tari: Y-Yeah that's because it was a game but this is more of a sport. I'm sorta bad at sports.

Meggy gets annoyed more which Y/n noticed and then suggested.

Y/n: Okay how's about some obstacle course training? I aim after all they just have to dodge the paint so they won't get eliminated right?

Meggy: True. Okay let's bring it up.

Y/n: Okay then. Computer, Obstacle course mode. Layput: swamp.

The room changes to a swamp with obstacles such as crawling under the fence wire, passing through a river by using a rope and making it to the end where Meggy is seen standing on top of a small hill.

Meggy: Alright Y/n your up!

Y/n: (smirk) Yes ma'am. Watch this.

He kneel down to a sprint position and then sprint towards the fence. He quickly gets down and crawls under the fence and to the other side.

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