Chapter 4: Guard chomp attack

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It was a nice and peaceful day at Mushroom Kingdom Castle as we see Y/n and Peach just relaxing at the couch and watching some TV in the living room. They were watching some shows that were on and find one that they liked. Peach sat right next to Y/n while she smiled, pleased that Y/n have come to hang out with her while Y/n watches the show and then ask Peach.

Y/n: So Peach I gonna ask you something?

Peach: (smile) Sure, what is it you like to ask?

Y/n: What dose it feel like ruling the Mushroom Kingdom, well besides getting kidnapped by a huge turtle like dragon that has a axe behind him that breaks the bridge below him.

Peach: (smile) You could say it's very much easy however there is some cons when it comes being a princess.

Y/n: How so?

Peach: For example I have to be a "perfect" princess for some odd fucking reason to Toadsworth.

Y/n: Wait you mean him?

He points to Toad he was reading stuff while looking over and giving them the middle finger and going back to reading.

Peach: No he's this odd Toad that is so where in the castle. I swear he never seems to shut up about "princess doing this" or "princess doing that" god I wish he just shuts the fuck up and leave me be.

Y/n: Man that must have sucked. I mean usually royal families, Kings or Queens just do whatever they want as long it's not in public.

Peach: I know right? Just for once I have time for myself for once.

Y/n: Well I'm sorry to hear that, maybe there is anything else I can do yo help?

She then smirked and then move close to Y/n while she replied.

Peach: (smirk) Actually there is something you might do to make me better? Perhaps maybe something that will make me even more "happier" then before.

She lend even more close to Y/n, her breast getting close to Y/n's arm and their heads closer to each other as well. Y/n blushes a bit in surprise but he must admit she is pretty cute and alos hot as well.

Toad: Please kill me.

Suddenly there was a slam at the entrance door which they heard it and decided to check to see what is going on. They walk out to the living room and find SMG4, Mario and Luigi blocking the door with anything they can find.

Peach: What the fuck are you three doing?!

SMG4: There's no time Peach! We're in soo much trouble!

Y/n: Why?

Mario: Okay so it sort off SMG4's fault.

SMG4: My fault!? Your the one that didn't listen to me!

Mario: Well you didn't help me when I was crushed!

SMG4: That was on you, not mine!

Y/n: Okay enough! Can someone please tell us what is going on and who is coming?



Y/n: See it wasn't so bad to- Wait what did you just say?

Suddenly a Guard chomp burst out of the door and barked at them. Everyone yell while Y/n pulled out his Magnum and fired a few shots but the Guard chomp chatge towards him, tackle him making him crash onto thr ground and making him drop his Magnum.


Y/n: Shit!

He dodges a Guard Chomps bite and leaps into the living room and shuts the door behind him. There was slince for a bit but after a while they can only hear the Guard chomp rooming around the halls which Y/n breaths out a sigh.

SMG4 x harem x Op male reader: In the world of memes and idiots Where stories live. Discover now