Chapter 17: The idiotic secret misson (Arc 3)

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A microwave goes off as a trooper opens the microwave and pulled out a plate of soup and make his way to a table where his friend was at eating his burger as we see the other troopers minding their own business and having their break as the trooper with the soup sat down and then the trooper with a burger glance over to him and then swallow his burger and then ask him.

Male Trooper 1: So my wife wants me to do some sexxy stuff to her when I get home however i never did that sort of thing so you got any idea what should I do?

Male trooper 2:.....Who the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down!

Male trooper 1: Just asking man! I mean surely you might have a few ideas right?

Male trooper 2: Dude I'm singal. Why the fuck would I know that?

Male trooper 1: Oh.........Yeah this is embarrassing.

Male trooper 2: You think?!

Suddenly there was a massive explosion that sent the two troopers flying as the other troopers were surprised and turn only for bullets to fly through the smoke, hitting all of them and fall onto the ground as Y/n ans his team will through the hole and look around to see the break room is clear.

Y/n: (smile) This place will do. Brandish, cover the hole.

Brandish: On it.

She grow a table large and use that to cover the hole and once they were done they check their amno while Boopkins asked.

Boopkins: Are the soldiers okay?

Y/n: (smile) Sure they are. Their just unconscious.

Boopkins: But there is blood leaking out. You said they were wearing bullet proof armor which protects them from bullets.

Y/n:......Eh, their fine.

Loona: So what's the plan? We now know this place is underground so how can we destroy it?

Samus: Knowing how deep this place might be, it could be harder then we thought.

Y/n: (smirk) Relax we just need to find the generator room and destroy it.

Loona: Yeah but where to start?

Y/n: Good question.

Dimaria: Yo, check this out!

They turn to see Dimaria kneeling down of a trooper and pulling out his phone and tosses it which Y/n catches it.

Dimaria: (smirk) This dumbass have the map of the room as his wallpaper on his phone. What an idiot.

Y/n looks at tye wallpaper of the troopers phone and sees how huge the base looks like as he looks at the map and then said.

Y/n: Okay there is the good news and bad news. Goof news is I've located the Generator room. Bad news is, it is at floor 20.

Loona: Then what floor are we in?

Y/n: According to this map we are in........Floor 2.

Loona: (shocked) Are you shitting us?!

Boopkins: (smile) That's okay we can always take the lift.

Y/n: Well we can't do that now since the elevators are in lockdown.

Yoko: Here, if only there is someone we can gain access to the elevators without any problem.

Suddenly the door open and a elevator walker came in huming when he stopped and spotted Y/n and the others as he know they will beat him up so he just sigh and said.

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