Chapter 50: Anime War (Arc 2)

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At Y/n's military base we see both SMG4s crew and Y/n's gathered at the meeting room as Y/n stood in front of everyone. Meggy, Zero and Tari were not with them so they start the meeting.

Y/n: Okay guys. We have a huge situation on our hands.

Mario: (gasp) Someone touch my Spaghetti?

Y/n:.......No its not that. Its the fact that corrupt president banning anime and kicking anyone who is anime out of this country. Not only that but Dario told me that the Japanese government are pissed so if we don't stop this then there might be a war.

Loona: So what should we do?

Y/n: Well I know one solution that always works......Killing the President.

Bob: Oh hell yeah! I always wanted to kill someone that is important.

Yoko: Sound absolutely good to me! That dick head is dead for sure.

Boopkins: Um guys. Maybe we can try something that doesn't involve killing anyone. Maybe we can show Lawrence that anime is good.

Brandish: How exactly?

Loona: Well there is this Axol guy.

Saiko: Who?

Loona: Oh for what I've found out on Facebook, Axol is this famous anime artist at Japan who draws anime very good. So good that his drawings would come to life.

Boopkins: (surprised) Really?!

Dimaria: Too bad. We're just gonna take the violent path.

SMG4: But if we kill him, would that make us criminals? I don't want to have my channel be deleted.

Luigi: And i don't want to bail Mario out of prison......again.

Mario: Don't blame me! How was I suppose to know I ran over a bunch of kids.

Y/n: Alright, Alright. I suppose we can try a none violent path. Dimaria, Yoko, Brandish, Saiko, Bob, Boopkins and SMG4 will go to Japan and find thid Axol dude. Meanwhile we'll try to stay low and form a small rebellion.

Boopkins: (smile) Yay We're going to Japan!

Bob: Yeah I can't wait to see some sexxy anime girls.

Yoko: (sigh) Please just be a dream. Hold on, how do we get back? It's not like A.S.S isn't let us back in?

Y/n: (smirk) I already have that.

Seconds later he shows them a space bridge which he opens the space bridge and explains.

Y/n: Figure I buy this from the Cybertronians so we can have easy travels. With this, we can be at one place and back within a second.

They are amazed as Y/n turns to the computer and type in the coordinates and once down the space bridge opens. SMG4 walks up to it and ask.

SMG4: You sure this is safe?

Y/n:......Well what I remember the last guy was transported into a different dimension. But you'll be fine.....maybe.

SMG4: goes nothing.

He goes through and soon Bob, Boopkins, Yoko, Dimaria and Brandish go through as they walk pass Y/n. Saiko came up to Y/n and tells him.

Saiko: Be fine...or I'll kill you.

Y/n: (smirk) I'm always fine. But you'll take care of yourself as well.

Saiko blushes and soon she goes through and once she is through Y/n closes the space bridge and Samus walk over and ask him.

Samus: Now what?

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