Chapter 46: The shortest heist ever

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It was a warm morning and we see a cruise ship sailing through the ocean and approaching their destination. We see many visitors wondering through the ship enjoying their time all awhile we cut to a room where we see Y/n getting out of bed and getting himself changed.

Once changed his phone begins to ring so he uses his force powers to catch the phone and answer the call as he puts it onto his ear.

Y/n: Sup Dario.

Agent Dario: (phone) You almost to the island?

Y/n: Yep. Just a few hours.

Agent Dario: (phone) Good. Allow me to explain your mission. We have gotten reports of Homelander people as well as women being kidnapped and taking to Marijoa which is where the Celestial dragons are that.

Y/n: Right where greed and corruption is off the roof. I see.

Agent Dario: (phone) We have run with them for sometime and every time we put them into trail they find ways to be free people and their charges are dropped. This time if the law cannot stop then we have to get rid of them. Which is why you come in. Your job is to assassinate the Celestial dragons for good. Do whatever that is necessary for this mission. Got it?

Y/n: (smirk) Sure thing. I knew one day karma will get them sooner or later.

Agent Dario: (phone) Call me whenever your done.

He hung up and once he did that the blanket moved and Yor revealed herself nearly naked as she watch him getting his weapons in his closest.

Y/n: Sorry I wake you. Sleep way?

Yor: (smile) You know it. We almost there?

Y/n: We'll be there for a few hours. Give us time to get some breakfast.

Yor: (smile) Yeah.

Yor goes to get change and once done the two leave to get some breakfast together and enjoy themselves for sometime until they arrived at Marijoa.

It is a large city filled with giant towers and fancy things as we see Y/n and Yor in the taxi and soon they reach to a fancy hotel.

They enter to their apartment and once they are settled Y/n looks over to the a large casino where the Celestial dragons usually hang out. He stare at it until the door knock which Yor came over and open the door and Nami, Robin and Din.

Nami: (smirk) Long time to see Y/n~!

Nami rush over and hugged him and then kissed him on the lips. Then Robin came over and he kissed her as well as he ask the two.

Y/n: (smile) Same here. How is is been?

Robin: (smirk) Pretty good. Thanks for coming.

Nami: (smile) It's no problem! Besides if it involves around money then I'm in.

Y/n: (smirk) Trust me. If we kill them all. The money will be yours.

Nami: (smile) Heck Yeah!

Y/n: Say Robin I heard your reward of best author. Congrats.

Robin: (giggle) Thank you. Your too kind.

Din walks over to the window and looks at the casino and says.

Din: That place is highly defended. Trying to break in will be a death sentence.

Y/n: Maybe so but I have a plan. Got the things I requested?

Din: Follow me.

They follow Din to his Razor Crest on top of the car park and opens the back to reveal Casino server drones as Y/n came up to one and explain.

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