Chapter 21: Crime can't pay

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It was your average day at Y/n's hone where we see Yoko at the kitchen making a smoothie, Samus sleeping on the couch with Sam and Mike sleeping on top of her, Loona at the Gym doing some work outs and Brandish and Dimaria are at the pool. Then we see Y/n coning out of his room after he took a shower as he walk by the living room qnd kitchen, saying  good morning which Yoko reply back as Y/n heads to the garage for some reason.

Moments later we heard Y/n called out which cost Samus, Sam and Mike to wake up.

Y/n: Oh god fucking damn it!

Yoko and Samus make there way kver to Y/n's garage and once there they noticed that the Deluxo was gone.

Yoko: What happened to the Deluxo?

Samus: Looks like someone stole it.

Y/n: Looks like it. Damn it!

He leaves the garage and walks by Loona as she step into the living room after she have hee work out and sees Y/n a bit piss while Samus and Yoko walk up to her.

Loona: What's his problem?

Yoko: Someone stole his Deluxo.

Loona: Huh really? Shit that sucked.

Samus: Yeah I can't blame him. If someone stolen my ship, I'll be pissed too.

Soon Y/n came back with a laptop as he sat down on the couch and type something in which the girls walk over and ask him.

Yoko: What are you doing?

Y/n: I install a tracker into each vehicle i have so if any of them get stolen I can simply track the vehicle and someone took it off.

Loona: How?

Y/n: Must have found the tracker. But I can pinpoint the last none location.

He type it in and once that he looks at the location and said.

Y/n: Oh....of course it has to be there.

Yoko: What is?

Y/n: (sigh) Well, you girls up for a job?

Yoko: Meh, sure.

Samus: Fine by me.

Loona: Same.

Dimaria: (smirk) Us as well.

They were surprised to see Brandish and Dimaria appear out of nowhere with clothes on them as Y/n close his laptop and tells them.

Y/n: Well pack your bags girls, because we are going the most high crime area of all time.


They arrive at Los Santos and once in the city they see everything is a chaos with planes crashing, gunshots rang out and police officer shooting at basically anyone they see who is doing a crime.

Yoko: Huh so this is Los Santos.

Samus: A place where crime is common around here.

Loona: So where should we start?

Y/n: The only place that I know who took my car.

Samus: Where?

He pointed Simeon car shop and moments later he was at his office where Simeon is nervous as he tells Y/n.

Simeon: (nervous) I-I'm sorry mister L/n but I have no idea about that. Y-Y-You know that vehicle is military base, I might go to jail.

Y/n: Bullshit! You steal vehicles from different customers all the time and cars that help you raise your stocks. You must have it.

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